

In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

A view defines which assets are shown and how they are presented. It can include filters and appear as a table or as tiles. You can use a view to show key information across multiple assets simultaneously. A view also serves as the basis for importing and exporting data.

A view stores the following data to define its structure:

  • Display mode: Specifies if assets are shown as rows in a table or as tiles in a set. Relation views can also be shown as items in a list.
  • Filters: Specifies which assets are shown.
  • Sorting: Specifies the order in which assets are shown.
  • Visible columns (for tables) or fields (for tiles): Specifies which information about assets is shown.
  • Hierarchy: Shows a hierarchy of assets instead of a flat list. This is applicable only in table display mode.

Default views

When you open a table or set of tiles for the first time, a Collibra default view is shown. However, if someone has created a view that you are allowed to see and set it as the default view, their custom default view is shown to you instead of the default view.

Creating and accessing views

You can create asset views within a domain, community, globally, or within certain applications such as Business Glossary or Catalog. Creating multiple views doesn't affect Collibra's performance. Each view has a unique URL that allows you to open the view directly without navigating to its location. For example, you can embed a view URL in a text widget on a dashboard or in an email. You can simply copy the URL from the address bar and paste it where needed.

The browse pane allows you to access all pinned asset views that you created or that are shared with you.

When you edit a view, your changes are automatically saved (not published), even if you navigate to a different page or sign out.

Default domain type views (beta)

You can set a view as the domain type default view (beta) for a specific domain type. Once configured, the default domain type view is automatically applied to any newly created domains, ensuring a consistent user experience.

Types of views

Collibra offers the following types of views:

Applications with asset views

The following table lists the applications where asset views are available.


Tabs with a view selector

Business Glossary

  • Business Assets
  • Glossaries

Reference Data

  • Code Values / Sets
  • Hierarchies


  • Reports
  • Data Sets
  • Data Dictionary
  • Technology Assets

Data Helpdesk

  • Business Issues
  • Data Quality


Business Dimensions

Policy Manager

Governance Assets