Conduct an assessment of an AI Use Case asset

The four out-of-the-box assessment templates, which you can find in the Template Gallery, are the default templates for assessing AI use cases.

Tip You can configure which assessment types are added to the Progress Tracker and which assessment type starts automatically when a new AI use case is registered.

Typically, you register an asset and then conduct the assessment. However, you can also conduct an assessment before registering an AI Use Case asset, which can be useful in guiding the onboarding process. Both approaches are addressed in this topic.

Note AI Governance uses the Collibra Assessments app and features. For complete information on working with assessments, go to Collibra Assessments.

Where to start an assessment

There are three places from which to start an assessment:

All three options are addressed in this topic.

Requirements and permissions

Tip The AI Business User global role comes with the required permissions to start and submit assessments. Therefore, this information is only relevant if there is someone in your organization who will work with the assessments, but will not work with the AI Governance app.

You have the following permissions to work with assessments:

  • A global role with the Product Rights > Assessments global permission.
  • A global role with the Assessments > Conduct Assessments global permission.
  • At least one user must be assigned the Business Steward resource role on the domain (or its community) that is specified when submitting the assessment; however, it doesn't have to be the person submitting the assessment.
  • The Business Steward must have a global role with the Workflow > Participate in Workflow global permission.
    The AI Business User global role comes with this permission.

How do you want to start an assessment?

  1. Open the relevant AI Use Case asset page.
  2. In the Progress Tracker, click Start in the row of the assessment you want to start.
    The assessment opens in the Collibra Assessments app.
    Note If you don't see the Start button, it means you don't have the Assessments > Conduct assessments global permission. This permissions comes with the Assessments Admin global role.
  3. Respond to the assessment questions.
  4. In the Properties sidebar, set the assessment permissions:
      Permission to ViewEveryoneAssessment will be visible to everyone.
      Only Owner and Assignees Assessment will be visible to only the owner and the assignees that you select in the Assignees field.
      Permission to EditAssigneesNames of the users who should be able to view or edit the assessment.
      • If you are an administrator and want to change the owner of the assessment, in the Owner field, select the name of the new owner.
      • For more information about the permissions that the assignees have, go to Assessment permission details.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Complete, and then, in the Complete This Assessment dialog box, click Complete.
      The status of the assessment becomes Completed.
    • Click Submit for Review. Then, in the Submit This Assessment dialog box, select the domain in which you want the Assessment Review asset to be created, and then click Submit.
      Tip In the Domain field on the Submit asssessment dialog box, only the domains of the Assessment Review Register domain type are shown.
      The status of the assessment becomes Submitted, and the Open the Review Asset button appears to enable you to view the Assessment Review asset.
  1. Open the Collibra AI Governance app.
    The AI Governance landing page opens.
  2. Click AI Legal Reviews.
  3. Click Start Assessment.
    The Start Legal and Ethics Assessment dialog box appears.
    Note If you don't see the Start Assessment button, it means you don't have the Assessments > Conduct assessments global permission. This permissions comes with the Assessments Admin global role.
  4. Does the asset that you want to assess already exist in Collibra?
    • If the asset already exists:
      1. Click Yes.
      2. In the Select the Asset drop-down list, find and select the AI Use Case asset that you want to assess.
        Note When creating assessment templates, you can specify for which assets types the assessment template can be used. If the template you choose has not been configured for the type of asset you are assessing, the asset will not appear in the Asset drop-down list.
    • If the asset does not yet exist:
      1. Click No.
      2. In the Assessment Name field, enter a name for the assessment you are about to conduct.
  5. Click Confirm.
    A new assessment is created.
  6. Respond to the assessment questions.
  7. On the Properties sidebar, set the assessment permissions:
      Permission to ViewEveryoneAssessment will be visible to everyone.
      Only Owner and Assignees Assessment will be visible to only the owner and the assignees that you select in the Assignees field.
      Permission to EditAssigneesNames of the users who should be able to view or edit the assessment.
      • If you are an administrator and want to change the owner of the assessment, in the Owner field, select the name of the new owner.
      • For more information about the permissions that the assignees have, go to Assessment permission details.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • Click Complete, and then, in the Complete This Assessment dialog box, click Complete.
      The status of the assessment becomes Completed.
    • Click Submit for Review. Then, in the Submit This Assessment dialog box, select the domain in which you want the Assessment Review asset to be created, and then click Submit.
      Tip In the Domain field on the Submit asssessment dialog box, only the domains of the Assessment Review Register domain type are shown.
      The status of the assessment becomes Submitted, and the Open the Review Asset button appears to enable you to view the Assessment Review asset.
  1. Go to the Assessments landing page.
  2. In the Conduct Assessment side pane, select the assessment template that you want to use.
    Note If you don't see the Conduct an Assessment side pane, it means you don't have:
    • The Assessments > Conduct assessments global permission. This permissions comes with the Assessments Admin global role.
    • The Assessments > Manage Templates global permission. The permission comes with the Assessments Template Manager global role.
  3. Does the asset that you want to assess already exist in Collibra?
    • If the asset already exists:
      1. Click Yes.
      2. In the Asset drop-down list, find and select the AI Use Case asset that you want to assess.
        Note When creating assessment templates, you can specify for which assets types the assessment template can be used. If the template you choose has not been configured for the type of asset you are assessing, the asset will not appear in the Asset drop-down list.
    • If the asset does not yet exist:
      1. Click No.
      2. In the Assessment Name field, enter a name for the assessment you are about to conduct.
  4. Click Conduct Assessment.
    A new assessment is created.
  5. Respond to the assessment questions.
  6. On the Properties sidebar, set the assessment permissions:
      Permission to ViewEveryoneAssessment will be visible to everyone.
      Only Owner and Assignees Assessment will be visible to only the owner and the assignees that you select in the Assignees field.
      Permission to EditAssigneesNames of the users who should be able to view or edit the assessment.
      • If you are an administrator and want to change the owner of the assessment, in the Owner field, select the name of the new owner.
      • For more information about the permissions that the assignees have, go to Assessment permission details.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Click Complete, and then, in the Complete This Assessment dialog box, click Complete.
      The status of the assessment becomes Completed.
    • Click Submit for Review. Then, in the Submit This Assessment dialog box, select the domain in which you want the Assessment Review asset to be created, and then click Submit.
      Tip In the Domain field on the Submit asssessment dialog box, only the domains of the Assessment Review Register domain type are shown.
      The status of the assessment becomes Submitted, and the Open the Review Asset button appears to enable you to view the Assessment Review asset.

What's next?

The Assessments Approval workflow notifies the Business Steward (by default) that an Assessment Review asset is ready for review and prompts them to approve or reject the assessment. For complete information about the workflow, go to The Assessments Approval workflow.

If necessary, you can:

When the assessment is approved, depending on the assessment type, certain assessment responses are copied to the AI Use Case asset page. The following table shows the conditions under which responses are copied to the asset page.

If the assessment type is... Then...
One of the four out-of-the-box AI Governance assessment types

Certain assessment responses are automatically copied over to the AI Use Case asset page.

For a complete list of questions for which responses are copied to the AI Use Case asset page, and how they map to the characteristics on the asset page, go to Mapping of copied assessment responses and asset characteristics.

Any custom assessment type

The response to every question for which the "Copy Response to Assessed Asset" option is selected in the assessment template, are copied to the AI Use Case asset page.

For complete information, go to Copy response to asset.