Register an AI use case

Each AI Use Case asset is intended to be a single source of truth. After a use case is registered, the use case Owner leads a collaborative effort to complete a series of intake questionnaires designed to help you determine the value of your use case and all associated risks.

To register a new AI use case, you need only provide a name and description, describe the audience, and assign an owner. That's it. After that, the Owner that you specify is assigned a task, prompting them to conduct a Business Context assessment of the use case.

Note This topic explains how to register a new AI Use Case via the Register AI Use Case button on the landing pages. You can also create an AI Use Case asset via the global Create button, but in that case, the Register AI Use Case assessment is not triggered and the Business Context assessment is not started.

Requirements and permissions

  • You have a global role with the Product Rights > AI Governance global permission. The out-of-the-box AI Business User and AI Legal Reviewer global roles both have this permission.
  • You have a resource role with the Asset > Add resource permissions.
    Tip We recommend assigning the Business Steward or Community Manager resource role for the out-of-the-box AI Governance domain, to anybody who will be registering and editing AI use cases. These resource roles come with the resource permissions you need to add and work with assets, attributes, responsibilities, comments, statuses, and more.


  1. From either the Business Steward or Legal Reviewer landing page, click Register AI Use Case.
    The Register AI Use Case dialog box appears.
  2. Enter the required information.
    NameThe name of the AI Use Case asset.
    DescriptionThe purpose of your AI use case proposal and its potential use of AI.
    Target Audience The type of user that is likely to interact with your AI use case, for example Internal or Customer Facing.

    The Collibra user or user group who will act as the owner of the use case. They are assigned the Owner resource role for the AI Use Case asset.

    Important  The Owner is responsible for coordinating the completion of the use case assessments. Therefore, they need the permissions required to carry out all of the tasks mentioned in the following table.
    To...You need...

    Access the Collibra Assessments app

    A global role with the Product Rights > Assessments global permission, for example AI Legal Reviewer.
    Start an assessment
    • A global role with the Assessments > Conduct Assessments global permission.
    • If you are user of AI Governance, you already have this permission by way of the AI Business User or AI Legal Reviewer global permission that you need to use AI Governance.
    • If you are not a user of AI Governance, we recommend the Assessments Admin global permission.
    Submit an assessment for approval
    • You have a resource role that has the Asset > Add and Attribute > Addresource permissions for the domain (or its community), for example Business Steward.
    Important The following must be true for the domain (or its community) that is specified when submitting the assessment.
    • At least one user is assigned the Business Steward resource role.
    • The Business Steward has a global role with the Workflow > Participate in Workflow global permission, for example AI Business User or AI Legal Reviewer.
    Tip If you are going to be using AI Governance, meaning you have either the AI Business User or AI Legal Reviewer global permission, and you have the Business Steward resource role for the domain (for the Asset > Add and Attribute > Addresource permissions), then you meet the requirements mentioned here, without further configuration.
  3. Click Register.
    A new AI Use Case asset, with the status Ideation, is created in the out-of-the-box AI Governance domain and shown on both the Business Steward and the Legal Reviewer landing pages.
    The Register AI Use Case workflow is triggered. The Owner of the AI Use Case asset is notified and prompted to start the Business Context assessment. In the Progress Tracker on the AI Use Case asset page, the Business Context assessment has the status Draft, reflecting the fact that it is automatically started when a new use case is registered.

What's next?

  • Edit the AI Use Case asset, as necessary.

    Be mindful of the edits you make in the various sections of the asset page before the assessments are completed and approved. When an assessment is approved, the Copy assessment answers to AI Use Case asset workflow is triggered. This workflow automatically copies many of the responses that were provided in an assessment to the AI Use Case asset page. If you manually edit the attributes of an AI Use Case asset, most of the values will be overwritten by the workflow when the assessments are approved.

    For a complete list of questions for which responses are copied to the AI Use Case asset page, and how they map to the attributes on the asset page, go to Copy assessment answers to AI Use Case asset workflow walk-through.

    Tip If you would like to manually fill out the details of the use case without conducting the prescribed assessments, you have a couple of options:
    • You can disable the Register new AI Use Case workflow in Settings. If you do this, you will get an error when you click Register AI Use Case on one of the landing pages; however, the AI Use Case asset is created and you can manually fill out the details.
    • You can create an AI Use Case asset via the global Create button. When you create an asset that way, no workflows or assessments are started.
    You can then add details to the various sections of the asset page as you would an asset of any other type, knowing the values won't be overwritten by an assessment. When you're on the asset page, remember to switch on the Show Empty Optional Values option, to see all of the available fields.
  • Conduct assessments of the new AI Use Case asset.