Working with assessments

AI Governance uses the Collibra Assessments app and features to surface important considerations and enable stakeholders to add essential details to your AI use cases and document associated risks.

Note This section of the documentation addresses only the AI Governance-specific aspects of the Assessments app. For complete information on working with assessments, including assessment templates and the Assessments Approval workflow, go to Collibra Assessments.

Assessment templates

AI Governance comes with four out-of-the-box assessment templates:

Template name Description
Business Context Allows you to provide details about how your AI use case will impact the business. Your organization will use this information to understand the business needs and requirements associated with implementing your AI use case.
Data and AI Models Allows you to provide details about the AI models and data that will be used for the AI use case. Your organization will use this information to understand the potential workload and risks associated with implementing your AI use case.
Legal and Ethics Allows you to identify potential legal and ethical risks associated with the AI use case. Answers will become a part of the AI use case definition.
Risks and Safeguards Allows you to identify and document potential business-related risks associated with the AI use case, as well as available safeguards. This will help your organization determine the overall risk of this Use Case.

Recommended flow

When you register an AI use case:

  • The four out-of-the-box assessments are automatically added to the Progress Tracker on the AI Use Case asset page.
  • The Owner of the AI Use Case asset is notified and prompted to start the Business Context assessment. The Business Context assessment has the status Draft, reflecting the fact that it is automatically started when a new use case is registered.

After the Business Context assessment, we recommend that you conduct a Data and AI Models assessment, to provide details about the AI models and data that will be used for the AI use case.

With those two assessments completed, you can work on the Legal and Ethics and Risks and Safeguards assessments in parallel.

  • You can start any of the assessments by clicking Start for the appropriate assessment in the Progress Tracker.
  • Click Add Task to add another assessment. You are prompted select a template, to dictate the type of assessment to conduct. The assessment appears in the task table, with the status Draft. You can have multiple assessments of the same type ongoing, regardless of their statuses. If you add a task and don't see it in the task table, you might need to increase the value of the Rows per page setting, in the Progress Tracker.