Assessment notifications

You can use the notifications feature in your assessment templates to ensure that:

  • Assessment Owners are notified when a new assessment is started.
  • Assignees are notified when they are assigned to an assessment.

In the Properties sidebar of any assessment, you can identify the two resource role assignments: Owner and Assignees.

Note By default, all users can view all assets in all communities and domains. If, for specific communities or domains, you choose to restrict view permissions to specific users and user groups, be mindful of the possible ramifications. Users who are subject to view permission restrictions are unable to view the details of any assets in the restricted communities and domains. Even those who receive email notifications prompting them to review a specific asset cannot view the asset details.

Switching on notifications

The notifications option is located in the Action bar of every assessment template. If notifications are switched on for a template, notifications are sent to assessment Owners and Assignees, for every assessment that uses that template.

By default, notifications are switched on for the four out-of-the-box AI Governance assessments and any custom assessments that were created as of the release of Collibra version 2024.10. By default notifications are switched off for any custom templates that were created before the Collibra 2024.10 release.


The Owner of an assessment is determined in one of the following ways:

  • The Owner that is specified when registering a new AI use case is assigned the Owner of the assessment that is automatically started when AI use case is registered. In this case, the Owner is sent an email notification when a new assessment is started

    For all other assessments, the user who starts the assessment is automatically assigned the Owner of the assessment.
    Tip You can configure which assessment types are added to the Progress Tracker and which assessment type starts automatically when a new AI use case is registered.
  • A user with a global role that has the Assessments > Administration global permission can manually assign the Owner in the Properties sidebar. In this case, an email notification is sent when the assignment is made.


You can use the drop-down list in the Properties sidebar to specify any number of Assignees. Assignees are sent an email notification when the assignment is made.