Search page

The following table describes the various sections shown on a search page.


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

No. Section Description
1 Facet pane

A dynamically generated collection of facets that enables you to:

  • Add and remove search fields to make your search broader or narrower.
  • Navigate and refine your search results.

Note The facet pane is shown only if a search produces results.


Search filters

A drop-down list of all your saved search filters, with the name of the currently applied filter shown. By default, no search filter is applied.

The following icon buttons are available:

: Create a search filter or save a copy of an existing filter.

: Edit the name and description of a search filter.

: Share a search filter.

: Delete a search filter.

3 Search input field

Shows your search text. You can edit your search text here.

For examples of how wildcards and symbols work in your search text, click .

4 Search results

Shows the following:

  • The results that match your search.
  • The total number or results.
  • The applied sorting criterion and sorting order. By default, the search results are sorted in order of descending relevance.
  • The selected fields in which the search is performed. By default, all fields are searched.
  • Click to:
    • Add or remove fields that are shown for each search result.
    • Edit the number of results shown per page.
  • For any result that is an asset, click to show the workflows that are available for the asset.
  • Click the name of a search result to open its detailed page.
  • In Collibra Console, you can influence the order of the search results by editing the boost factor of resources and attribute types. For more information, go to Relevance in search results.
Note If the text in a field is long, the text is shortened when shown in the search results. For example, in the following image, the highlighted definition in the search result shows only a part of the full definition.

No. Description

Your search text, which you can edit.


Saved Filters: A drop-down list of search filters, showing the filter currently applied. By default, no search filter is applied. The drop-down list contains filters you created and those shared with you.

creates a search filter or saves a copy of an existing filter. You can then access the filter from the Saved Filters drop-down list.

edits the name, description, and visibility settings of the filter.

deletes the filter.


This section, which contains the following tabs, is shown only if you have the Data Marketplace global permission. Otherwise, all results are shown.

The section also contains preconfigured search tabs for quick filters for Data Marketplace. Quick filters allow you to automatically apply a set of filters to the search results in a single action.

  • Up to three quick filter search tabs are shown at a time. If more than three quick filter search tabs are configured, the More menu appears to allow you to select additional ones. When you select a quick filter on the More menu, that filter is shown as the third quick filter search tab.
  • The tab you click, either Data Marketplace or All Results, remains selected as you navigate between pages. However, any quick filter tab you click resets to Data Marketplace when you reopen the search page.
4 Total number of results.
5 Sorting criterion to change the order in which the results appear.
6 Option to change the number of results shown on each page.
7 Facet pane, which is a dynamically generated collection of available filters to:
  • The facet pane is shown only if a search produces results.
  • While most searches are performed against assets, the Category filter in the facet pane can be helpful to search for non-assets, such as communities or domains, or to limit the results to only assets. The common category options available are assets, users, domains, communities, and user groups.
  • If you select the Data Marketplace tab, the filters in the facet pane change depending on how the Data Marketplace filter facets are configured. The Search in Fields filter, however, is always shown.

Selected Filters: Filters you selected in the facet pane.


Search in Fields: Fields you selected in the facet pane.


Results that match your search.

  • To open an asset in a new tab or to see the workflows available for an asset, hover your pointer over the asset in the search results, and then click .
  • To open a resource from the search results, click its name.
  • If the text in a field is long, the text is shortened when shown in the search results.
  • You can influence the order of the search results by editing the boost factor of resources and attribute types. For more information, go to Relevance in search results.
11 Page numbers to navigate the search results.
  • As an administrator, you can add or remove fields shown for each search result. For more information, go to Configure search result fields.
  • It is possible that you or another user created a search filter that includes a field or facet that no longer exists in your Collibra environment. When this happens, the unavailable field or facet is highlighted to enable you to identify and remove it from the search filter. Unavailable fields and facets are ignored in search queries.