Picture toolbar

The toolbar of the picture editor helps you to edit settings that apply to the entire picture.

Button Name Description

Select a layout. The layout determines the location of nodes and edges, but does not change which nodes and edges are shown.

Zoom in Zoom in on the picture.

Zoom out Zoom out from the picture.

Zoom to readable value Zoom the picture to a size that is readable.

Shrink to fit Zoom the picture to a size that fits the screen.

Overview Show or hide the overview inset that enables you to zoom and navigate.
Labels Show or hide the labels of the edges and complex relations.


Show or hide overlays for all nodes in the picture.

If the view does not have any defined overlays, the button is grayed out.

Export Export the picture as a PDF or SVG file to your default downloads folder.
Redraw Discard all the changes that you made to the picture and restore it to the initial state.


Show or hide the legend panel containing the explanation of the nodes.

The legend explains the color codes and symbols of the items in the picture. You can move it to anywhere in the picture.

For each asset type and complex relation type that is visible on the picture, the legend shows the color and symbol, followed by the name of the type.

If all occurrences of a given type are boxed inside collapsed boxing nodes, that type is not visible and therefore, not shown in the legend.

Tip  Click a row in the legend to select all occurrences of that type in the picture. You can use this to expand or collapse all nodes of the same type.

Preview Show or hide the preview panel on the right side of the screen. It contains information about the characteristics of the currently selected node (asset or complex relation).


Create a picture based on the picture.


Find a node in the picture.


Show the current picture in full-screen mode. The button changes to , to exit full-screen mode.