Diagram and diagram view terminology

To work with diagrams and diagram views, you have to understand the following concepts.

Concept Description
Diagram The diagram that results from applying a diagram view to a given asset. It sometimes also called "result diagram".
Diagram view

A kind of query that determines which nodes and edges have to be shown in a diagram for a given asset.

The diagram view also determines how the nodes and edges are shown.

You can define multiple diagram views for the same asset type.


A diagram view that contains a path that revisits the same node. For example, [Business Asset] groups [Business Asset], or [Data Element] sources [Field Mapping], [Field Mapping] targets [Data Element].

A diagram view with a loop can lead to a diagram that has very long paths.


In a diagram, a node is an asset or a complex relation.

  • The node for an asset is depicted by a rectangle.
  • The node for a complex relation is depicted by a circle or a rectangle with rounded corners.
Boxed node
A node that is contained inside a boxing node. For example, a Column asset can be boxed by a Table asset.
Boxing node

A node that contains one or more boxed nodes. If it is expanded, you can see the boxed nodes. If it is collapsed, you cannot see the boxed nodes.

For example, a Table asset can box multiple Column assets.

Locked node

A collapsed boxing node that cannot be expanded.

Incoming relation

An incoming relation of a node is when the selected node is the tail side of the relation type, in other words, an edge for which this node is the 'to' node.

For example, the relation [Business Term] has code / is code for [Code Value] is incoming for a Code Value.

Outgoing relation

An outgoing relation of a node is when the selected node is the head side of the relation type, in other words, an edge for which this node is the 'from' node.

For example, the relation [Business Term] has code / is code for [Code Value] is outgoing for a Business Term.


In a diagram, an edge is a directed relation between two nodes. The word 'directed' indicates that the direction in which the relation is used is relevant for the diagram.

An edge is normally depicted by an arrow between two nodes. The arrow points to the 'to' node. It can also be represented by means of boxing and boxed nodes, in which one node contains the other.

Flow The entire course of nodes and edges from the start node to the end node.
Context A collection of nodes that does not belong in the flow. The nodes have an incoming edge from a flow node. For example, nodes that represent a System asset can be context nodes.


An overlay is a characteristic of a node that is shown in the diagram. Overlays are added in a diagram view and can be shown or hidden via the diagram toolbar.

Traversal strategy The logic that describes which relations and assets are included in the diagram.