Technical lineage viewer


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

The technical lineage viewer shows the technical lineage and allows you to edit the view. You can access the technical lineage viewer via the Technical lineage tab on Column and Table asset pages and BI assets of the same level.

The technical lineage viewer shows the technical lineage and allows you to edit the view. You can access the technical lineage viewer by clicking Technical Lineage in the tab bar on Column and Table asset pages and BI assets of the same level. The technical lineage graph opens in a new page when you click Technical Lineage.

Tip Only the method to open the technical lineage graph is changed with the latest user interface for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. No other changes are made to the functionality or user interface of the technical lineage graph.

Technical lineage tab

You can only see the Technical lineage tab on a Column or Table asset page when you have the following prerequisites:

Note View permissions are not enforced in Collibra Data Lineage. This means that anyone with the Technical Lineage global permission can see all of the assets in a technical lineage graph, regardless of their view permissions as determined at the community or domain level.

Technical lineage viewer

The technical lineage viewer shows the technical lineage graph and the breadcrumbs of the assets that data objects from your data sources are stitched to.



Name Description

The breadcrumbs of the current asset.

Asset name

The name of the asset.

The Got to Asset button

The button to go to the asset page.

Technical lineage graph


Name Description

The toolbar to work with technical lineage. The toolbar helps you to edit basic settings that apply to the entire lineage.

Drop-down list to determine which details you want to show in the technical lineage graph. The drop-down list includes the following options:

  • Attributes: Select this option if your technical lineage is a column level lineage.
  • Objects: Select this option if your technical lineage is a table level lineage.
  • Transformation: Select this option to see the incoming and outgoing transformations.

Button to zoom in on the technical lineage.

Button to zoom out on the technical lineage.

Button to refresh the technical lineage. This discards all the changes that you made to the technical lineage and restores it to the initial state.

Button to reposition the technical lineage to the starting position.

Button to show or hide the legend panel.

Button to show or hide the source code pane.

Button to show or hide the Browse and Settings tab panes.

Technical lineage graph

The actual visualization of the traceability of the current data object, according to your selection in the Browse tab pane.

If you select a specific column in a table with multiple columns, you can click Collapsed columns [menu] to show all other columns, collapse all columns or only show selected columns in the same table.

Tip Data objects that are stitched to assets in Data Catalog have a yellow background. Other data objects that the Collibra Data Lineage collected from your data source, but are not stitched and therefore are not assets in Data Catalog, have a gray background.

Tab panes

Tab panes that contain useful tools to browse through your technical lineage or determine which content is visualized in the technical lineage.

Browse tab pane

This pane can be used to search for specific data objects or show statistics on the amount of tables and views in use. More information.

Settings tab pane

This pane can be used to search for transformation code, edit the visualization of the technical lineage, see the status of the source code, check the stitching results or export your technical lineage to PDF, PNG or CSV. More information.

Source code pane

The source code pane shows the source code of specific data objects. It can be used to easily find issues in the data flow.

The source code pane is shown when you click in the toolbar or when you right-click a column or table and click Transformations (IN) or Transformations (OUT) which shows the transformation logic in the source code pane.

Note For Collibra Data Lineage to correctly highlight the transformation logic, as indicated by the blue highlighting in the previous image, we strongly recommend that your SQL files have Unix line endings. Non-Unix line endings, for example Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) line breaks, do not influence the extracted lineage and can result in incorrect highlighting.