AI Use Case asset page

The AI Use Case asset page is a working record where you and your colleagues can collaborate as the use case evolves, to capture critical details as they become known. The asset page is intended to be a single source of truth, where stakeholders can quickly find the business value of the project and all associated risks.

This topic presents some of the more notable features of the asset page.

Choose an image:

No. Element Description

Summary tab

Shows all of the use case details, as provided via the assessments. The majority of the details in the body of the asset page are copied over from the assessments, by the Copy assessment answers to AI Use Case asset workflow, when an assessment is approved.

You can edit, add and delete details.


Be mindful of the edits you make in the various sections of the asset page before the assessments are completed and approved. When an assessment is approved, the Copy assessment answers to AI Use Case asset workflow is triggered. This workflow automatically copies many of the responses that were provided in an assessment to the AI Use Case asset page. If you manually edit the attributes of an AI Use Case asset, most of the values will be overwritten by the workflow when the assessments are approved.

For a complete list of questions for which responses are copied to the AI Use Case asset page, and how they map to the attributes on the asset page, go to Copy assessment answers to AI Use Case asset workflow walk-through.

Tip If you would like to manually fill out the details of the use case without conducting the prescribed assessments, you have a couple of options:
  • You can disable the Register new AI Use Case workflow in Settings. If you do this, you will get an error when you click Register AI Use Case on one of the landing pages; however, the AI Use Case asset is created and you can manually fill out the details.
  • You can create an AI Use Case asset via the global Create button. When you create an asset that way, no workflows or assessments are started.
You can then add details to the various sections of the asset page as you would an asset of any other type, knowing the values won't be overwritten by an assessment. When you're on the asset page, remember to switch on the Show Empty Optional Values option, to see all of the available fields.

Data Flow tab

Shows a diagram view of the AI Use Case asset, depicting all of the relations that exist between the AI use case and other assets, for example linked AI Model assets.

Click the Explore Diagram link to open the view in the Diagrams app.

Collapse All / Expand All buttons

Allows you to expand or collapse all of the sections of the asset page in a single click.

Responsibilities tab

Shows the Owner that was specified when registering the use case, and all inherited responsibilities.

At a glance sidebar

Shows the following information:

  • Last Modified: The date on which the asset was last edited. If the asset was never edited, the creation date is shown.
  • Owner: The user assigned the Owner resource role for the asset, as specified when registering the use case. To view the other responsibilities for the asset, click Explore Other Roles.
  • Tags: Any tags that have been applied to the asset. To add or remove tags, click in the field below the header, and then click an existing tag or enter a new one.

Task sidebar

Shows any tasks related to the use case that are assigned to you.

Show Empty Optional Values toggle


If the Show Empty Optional Values option is switched off, all attribute types and relation types that don't have a value are hidden. If you want to add values in empty characteristics fields, ensure that the Show Empty Optional Values option is switched on, and then click in an empty field to enter a value.

Progress Tracker

The Progress Tracker allows you to:

  • Monitor the evolution of your AI use case.
  • View the assessment history for the use case, including the statuses of all assessments.
  • Start an assessment that hasn't yet been started.
  • Add a task to conduct a new assessment of a specific type.
  • Move the use case to the next stage in its lifecycle.