Set up AI Governance

This topic describes how to set up AI Governance.


  • The latest Collibra user interface is enabled for your Collibra environment. AI Governance only works in conjunction with the latest Collibra user interface.
  • The Assessments Approval workflow must be enabled. This workflow is enabled by default; however, it is not new with AI Governance, nor is it specific to AI Governance, so we recommend that you check to see that it is still enabled.

1 Assign the AI Business User global role to users

This role is designed for all AI Governance users, regardless of their role or function.

  1. In Cogwheel iconSettings, click Roles and permissions.
  2. In the AI Business User row, double-click in the Members column.
  3. Click in the field, start typing and select the users and user groups that you want to assign.
  4. Click Update.

2 Create a domain named “AI Governance Assessments” of the type Assessment Review Register

In this step, we are creating an AI Governance Assessments domain to serve as your AI use case assessment register. However, if you already have a domain in which you want to create Assessment Review assets, you can skip this step and use the domain you already have.

  1. On the main toolbar, click .
    The Create dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Organization tab.
  3. Search for and select the Assessment Review Register domain type.
    The Create Domain dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the required information.
    1. Domain type: Assessment Review Register is already populated.
    2. Community: Select “Data Governance Council”.
    3. Domain name: Enter “AI Governance Assessments”.
  5. Click Create.

Note By default, all users can view all assets in all communities and domains. If, for specific communities or domains, you choose to restrict view permissions to specific users and user groups, be mindful of the possible ramifications. Users who are subject to view permission restrictions are unable to view the details of any assets in the restricted communities and domains. Even those who receive email notifications prompting them to review a specific asset cannot view the asset details.

3 Assign a Business Steward for the AI Governance Assessments domain

Whichever domain you specify when submitting an assessment, at least one user must be assigned the Business Steward resource role on that domain (or its community). The user submitting the assessment does not have to be the Business Steward.
  1. Open the AI Governance Assessments domain.
  2. In the tab bar, click Responsibilities.
  3. In the Responsibilities section, click Add.
  4. Enter the required information:
    • Role: Enter “Business Steward”.
    • People: Enter the users or user groups who will act as Business Stewards for the domain.
      Important At least one of the Business Stewards you specify must have a global role with the Workflow > Participate in Workflow global permission.
      Tip The AI Business User global role comes with this permission, so if at least one of the users you specify uses AI Governance, no further configuration is required.
  5. Click Add.

4 Configure permissions for those who will participate in assessments

The AI Business User global role comes with the required permissions to start and submit assessments. Therefore, this information is only relevant if there is someone in your organization who will work with the assessments, but will not work with the AI Governance app.

To start or submit an assessment, you need:

  • A global role with the Product Rights > Assessments global permission.
  • A global role with the Assessments > Conduct Assessments global permission.

Tip  The Owner of the AI use case, as specified when registering a new AI use case, is prompted to conduct an assessment of the use case. It's likely that this user will be an AI Governance user. If not, ensure that they have a global role that has these assessments-related global permissions, for example Assessments Template Manager.

5 Optionally, enable indirectly related policies and data categories (beta)

This beta feature:



  1. Open the Services Configuration page.
    1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
      The Collibra settings page opens.
    2. Click Services Configuration.
    3. Click Edit configuration.
    Open the DGC service settings for editing:
    1. Open Collibra Console.
      Collibra Console opens with the Infrastructure page.
    2. In the tab pane, expand an environment to show its services.
    3. In the tab pane, click the Data Governance Center service of that environment.
    4. Click Configuration.
    5. Click Edit configuration.
  2. In the AI Governance Configuration section, enter the required information:



    AI Governance context

    • True: Show indirectly related policies and data categories on AI Use Case and AI Model asset pages. If changes are made to linked metadata, an email notification is sent to relevant users. Ensure that individual user preferences are appropriately configured in Collibra to receive email notifications.
    • False (default): This feature is disabled. The Other Policies That Apply widget is not shown on AI Use Case and AI Model asset pages, and no email notifications are sent.
  3. Click Save all.

What's next?

You can now start registering AI use cases and conducting assessments. Be sure to check out the following topics, for advice on: