About the latest user interface
With release 2024.05, Collibra offers the latest user interface (UI).
- The apps icon has moved to the left side for easier access.
- The asset type icon, asset name, and breadcrumb trail are also available on the left side.
- You can find important information about data in the At a glance sidebar. This includes the type of data, when it was last changed and who is responsible for it. If this sidebar is hidden, click
- The main tab pane has moved to the top of the page, making space for a table of contents tab pane, to help you easily find the various sections.
- You can focus on the content you need by using the Show Empty Optional Values option to show or hide all empty values that are optional to complete.
- You can use the right side of the page to take control, with options to perform an action via the Actions menu or More icon , open the At a glance sidebar, or show tasks.
- We allow in-page editing. You can edit content directly on the page by clicking the item you want to change.
Tip To discard your updates, press the ESC key.
- All the available characteristics are already on the page for you. This means the Add Characteristics button is no longer shown. If you notice something missing, make sure the Show Empty Optional Values option is selected to show all available fields. If the characteristic is still missing, contact your admin.
- Admins can configure the characteristics for the page via a tailored asset page experience, giving them more granular control over data presentation. They can navigate to the asset type page (via the link on the page) and decide which characteristics are available to this asset via this assignment, and then click Edit Layout to arrange these characteristics on the asset page, group them by sections, and even choose to hide certain characteristics from the page.
For a detailed list of changes, go to What is different when the latest user interface is enabled?
For information on how to enable the latest UI, go to Enable the latest user interface.
FAQ on the latest UI
- The latest UI introduces redesigned page layouts along with updated default color schemes.
- Some main navigation buttons have been relocated. For example, the Application Menu icon has moved from the right side of the page to the left.
- On asset pages, certain information has moved to other tabs and submenus.
- The way in which you can customize asset pages has changed. You can define the fields and the layout of the asset pages.
- New features have been made available, such as Tailored Asset Pages, AI Governance, Data Marketplace in Search, Data Notebook, and more.
For a comprehensive list of changes, go to What is different when the latest UI is enabled?
On individual pages within the documentation, you can find an option to switch the information between the classic UI and the latest UI, for example, Screen elements in the UI.
Tip Collibra often shows complex information, including large data tables. To ensure optimal viewing, use a screen width of at least 1,200 pixels. Smaller screens widths are not supported.
Tip To ensure the best experience when using the latest UI, we recommend using the latest browser version and configuring your network settings to allow for HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. For more information, go to the Collibra Support center.
- For commercial customers, the latest UI is enabled by default in non-production environments starting from 2024.05. In production environments, the latest UI is enabled starting from 2024.10, unless customers have raised blockers with the Customer Success team. For new commercial customers, the latest UI is enabled by default in all environments.
- For Collibra Cloud for Government, the latest UI is disabled by default in both non-production and production environments.
To enable the latest UI, go to Enable the latest user interface.
Additionally, what should I do if I don’t find the characteristic I want to complete?
In the latest UI, the Add characteristics button is no longer available on the asset page.
- Use the Show Optional Empty Values option to view all fields on the asset page.
- If the characteristic is still not available, use the global assignment and the layout editor to add the characteristic.
Starting from version 2024.05, the latest UI has a similar behavior compared to the classic UI concerning the minimum cardinality. Characteristics (attributes and relations) with a cardinality higher than 0 are always shown on the asset page even if they are empty.
For information on the behavior in the previous releases, go to the Help Center.
Brand and theme elements can be applied via the Customizations feature. SysAdmin users can change the logo and the color of branded components such as primary buttons and tabs.
Important The latest UI doesn’t support styling that was previously applied via CSS override files.
We have created the most common customizations as in-product features. Check this knowledge article in the Help Center for alternate ways to apply some of the previously applied customizations in the latest UI. If your customization is not covered in the article and you would like us to consider supporting it, create a ticket on the Collibra Ideation Platform.
With the latest UI, we implemented more modern and secure libraries. As a result, some of the patterns in tables, text editors, and dashboard widgets have changed. For example, to edit a table cell, you can double-click anywhere within the cell, rather than using the pencil icon within the cell. As another example, the source code and backend of our rich text editor utilizes different HTML markup than in previous versions.
For more information about changes like these, go to What is different when the latest UI is enabled?
Yes, however, currently there is no link between any classic UI branding customizations and the latest UI branding customizations. Customizations are also stored in a different way. This means that any changes to logos or component colors in the latest UI will be lost if you restore a backup with a classic UI.
If you open an asset preview in standalone Data Marketplace or Data Marketplace in Search, the predefined asset preview layout is applied. However, if you open the asset page, the tailored asset pages are shown.
The way in which admins can create a meta model in the latest UI hasn't changed. Only the appearance of the pages has changed.