Operating Model settings page


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

On the Operating Model page of the Collibra settings, you can view and edit the operating model, which defines the structure of the data in your environment, for example asset types, domain types, characteristic types, and statuses.

The Operating Model page has several tab pages:

Used In: Exploring where an item is used

The tabs on the Operating Model page contain the Used In button, which allows you to explore where a specific item is used in the operating model. To identify where an item is used, select the row containing the item, and then click Used In. You can then find and explore the other asset types, relation types, complex relation types, and other items where the selected item is used.

Note On the Scopes tab, you can find the Used In button when you expand a scope.

The following table lists the items that are shown when you click Used In for an item on a tab.

Selected item

Used in items

Asset type

  • List of asset types where the selected asset type is used in an asset type filter for the relations in an assignment.
  • List of relation types where the selected asset type is used as a source or target of a relation.
  • List of complex relation types where the selected asset type is used as a target of a relation.

Domain type

List of asset types where the selected domain type is used in an assignment.
Attribute type Attribute
  • List of asset types where the selected attribute type is used in a characteristic.
  • List of asset types where the selected attribute type is used in an articulation score rule.
  • List of complex relation types where the selected attribute type is used.
  • List of Data Quality rules where the selected attribute type is used in a metric.
Relation type Relation
  • List of asset types where the selected relation type is used in an assignment.
  • List of Data Quality rules where the selected relation type is used in an aggregation path.
Complex relation type Complex relation

List of asset types where the selected complex relation type is used in an assignment.


  • List of asset types where the selected status is used in an assignment.
  • List of asset types where the selected status is used in an articulation score rule.

Data quality rule

List of asset types where the selected Data Quality rule is used in an assignment.


List of asset types where the selected scope is used in an assignment.

Asset type group
  • List of asset types that are directly part of the selected asset type group.
  • List of relation types where the selected asset type group is used.