Migration settings page

The Migration feature allows you to migrate the operating model and views from one Collibra Data Intelligence Platform environment to another environment. This makes it easier to migrate changes between development environments, testing environments and the actual production environment.

Migration is not meant to be used for backups, or to migrate instance data, such as assets and domains. You can use the import and export features to move assets to another environment. You can use backups for disaster recovery.

Note Exporting and importing CMA files is restricted by the file upload settings, which determine the maximum file size, allowed file extensions and maximum amount of uploads and downloads per day. Contact Collibra Support if you want to change the file upload settings.


The versions of the source and target environment have to be the same. Migrating between different versions may lead to unexpected behavior.

For example, migrating does not work correctly if you import a CMA file in an environment of version 2021.07 or older if the CMA file includes assignments of any of the following asset types:

  • BI Report Attribute
  • Business Qualifier
  • Column
  • Field
  • Looker Report Attribute
  • Report Attribute
  • Table
  • Tableau Report Attribute

Overview of the migration procedure

  1. Export objects from a source environment.
    1. Choose the objects that you want to migrate.
    2. Download the summary and the archive file.
    3. Review the summary.
  2. Create a backup of your target environment.
    Note This is technically not mandatory, but highly recommended.
  3. Import the archive file.
    You are guided through the import process. This process consists of the following main steps: upload the archive file, review the changes via a simulation, and start the import.
    Once the import is completed, the model objects are created, edited, or removed as necessary. You can also download an import report.

Best practice

It is highly recommended not to make risky changes to the metamodel of your Production environment. Instead, we recommend you use a separate Development environment and Testing environment:

Tip Hover your mouse cursor over the steps to see a graphical representation!

  1. Create a backup of your production environment.

    Note If you have one or more Edge sites in this Collibra environment, you need to create a backup for each Edge site.

  2. Restore the backup in your Development and Testing environments.
    Important If the Collibra environment you want to restore has one or more Edge sites, you need to reinstall all of them. To reinstall one or more Edge sites, go to Reinstall an Edge site.
  3. Make the necessary changes in the Development environment.
  4. Use the migration feature to re-apply the changes from the Development environment to the Testing environment.
  5. Thoroughly test the changes in the Testing environment.
  6. If required, repeat steps 3 to 5.
  7. If you are satisfied with the changes, use the migration feature to re-apply the changes from the Testing environment to the Production environment.

    Note Since migration moves the operating model, the existing instance data in the Production environment is not changed.