Back up an Edge site

To avoid losing your Edge site configurations, such as passwords and file parameters in connections, you can back up an Edge site. You can use this backup to reinstall it later, for example, when you want to reinstall an Edge site with a new installer.

The backup contains the following content:

  • The public/private key of the site that is used for sending and encrypting secrets.
  • The secrets that are used in connections, capabilities and vaults.

Note For privacy reasons, Edge site backups remain in your personal environment and are not sent to the cloud.

Important This topic uses the Edge CLI. If you still use the deprecated Edge tool, go to the Edge Tool documentation to review the relevant commands. Keep in mind that the Edge Tool will be end of life with the February 2025.02 release.

On the server that runs your Edge site, run the following command:

sudo ./edgecli recovery backup --path <backup_path>

Edge creates a backup of your Edge site in the selected folder of the command.

What is your Edge site installation method?
Important This topic uses the Edge CLI. If you still use the deprecated Edge tool, go to the Edge Tool documentation to review the relevant commands. Keep in mind that the Edge Tool will be end of life with the February 2025.02 release.

On the server from which you manage your managed Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:

./edgecli recovery backup --path <backup_path>

Edge creates a backup of your Edge site in the defined folder of the last command.

On the server that runs your Edge site, run the following command:
kubectl get -n <my-namespace> secrets -l -o yaml > <PATH_OF_BACKUP_FILE>

The Edge site namespace.

  • If your Edge site has a custom namespace, add it here.
  • If your Edge site does not have a custom namespace, add the default namespace, collibra-edge.
<PATH_OF_BACKUP_FILE>The name of the output yaml file containing your Edge site backup. For example, myBackupFile.yaml.

Edge creates a backup of your Edge site in the defined folder of the last command.

What's Next?

Note You can only restore a backup by reinstalling the Edge site using the created backup.

Reinstall your Edge site using the backup you created.