Reinstall an Edge site


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

You always reinstall an Edge site by restoring a backup of that Edge site. Reinstallation may be necessary to resolve an issue or to upgrade the software included in the Edge site installer.

Warning If you have any existing connections, we highly recommend backing up your site and reinstalling the site from the backup. If you do not use a backup, you will need to manually re-enter passwords, encrypted text parameters, and any file parameters in each connection to restore full functionality.

Note This process is certified for restoring an Edge site to the Collibra environment on which the site was originally created, for example, restoring Development to Development or Production to Production. The process is not certified or tested for promoting an Edge site migration from one environment to another, for example, from Development to Production. These types of migrations require the reinstallation of the Edge application each time the migration is promoted.


  1. Back up your current Edge site.
  2. If you are reusing the same server as your old Edge site:
    1. Use the Edge tool command to uninstall the old installation.
    2. Recreate the Linux disk mount for the /var/lib/rancher/k3s directory.
  3. Redownload the installer.
  4. Extract the installer.
  5. If you use a custom setup, such as and ca.pem for forward proxies or classification, ensure that it is available or included as it was in the previous setup.
  6. Reinstall using the new installer with the backup option:
    Note Unified Data Classification is now the default classification method and is configured separately from the Edge site installation. This means Edge doesn't require additional setup for Unified Data Classification. You can use the deprecated data classification via Edge method until September 30.
    sudo sh 
    --storage-path /path/mounted/storage properties.yaml -r registries.yaml 
    -b backup.yaml
    • If you want to use a private docker registry, add the following parameters to the install command:
      --registry-url (required)

      The URL of your private docker registry.

      For example:

      --registry-host (optional)

      Where your private docker is hosted. If you do not specify this parameter, it is automatically derived from --registry-url

      For example:

      --registry-user (optional)The username of the private docker registry. This parameter is not required if registry is public.
      --registry-pass (optional)The password of the private docker registry. This parameter is not required if registry is public.

You can reinstall your Edge site on a managed Kubernetes cluster by using the Edge CLI tool.

Note Edge supports the following managed Kubernetes clusters:
  • AKS
  • AWS Fargate using EKS
  • EKS
  • GKE
  • OpenShift

Follow the steps below if you use a supported Kubernetes cluster.


  1. Back up your current Edge site.
  2. Redownload the installer and save it on your Linux server that has kubectl access to the k8s cluster.
  3. Extract the installer.
  4. Use the Edge uninstall command, depending on your Edge site installation method, to uninstall the old installation.

    • If you installed your Edge site using the previous method, follow the path inside the extracted installer and run the following command:
      extracted installer>/resources/installer-job/tools/
    • If you installed your Edge site using the Edge CLI method, run one of the following command:
      • With terminal logging
        ./edgecli uninstall
      • With terminal and file logging

        ./edgecli uninstall 2>&1 | tee "edge-installer-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").log"
  5. If you use a custom setup, such as and ca.pem for forward proxies or classification, ensure that it is available or included as it was in the previous setup.
  6. Reinstall using the new installer and backup:
    • You can install your Edge site with either terminal logging or terminal and file logging. Both options log the output of your Edge site installation.
      • Terminal logging only saves the output to the Edge terminal.
      • Terminal and file logging saves the output both to the terminal and a separate file. This file will be saved in the current directory with the naming format: edge-installer-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").log
    • Unified Data Classification is now the default classification method and is configured separately from the Edge site installation. This means Edge doesn't require additional setup for Unified Data Classification. You can use the deprecated data classification via Edge method until September 30.
    • If you want to use a private docker registry, add the following parameters to the install command:
      --registry-url (required)

      The URL of your private docker registry.

      For example:

      --registry-host (optional)

      Where your private docker is hosted. If you do not specify this parameter, it is automatically derived from --registry-url

      For example:

      --registry-user (optional)The username of the private docker registry. This parameter is not required if registry is public.
      --registry-pass (optional)The password of the private docker registry. This parameter is not required if registry is public.
    Warning  Do not exclude -b backup.yaml from this command. If you exclude -b backup.yaml from the command, your Edge site will be reinstalled without your backup and previous configurations, such as passwords, encrypted text parameters, and any file parameters in each connection. Additionally, you will not be able to use that backup in any future reinstallations.