Install an Edge site


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

After you have created the Edge site in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform, you have to install the Edge software on a server.


Every time you download an Edge site installer, the previously downloaded Edge site installer becomes outdated. If you use this outdated installer, the Edge site cannot communicate with Collibra.



  1. Download the installer:
    1. Open an Edge site.
      1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
        The Collibra settings page opens.
      2. In the tab pane, click Edge.
        The Sites tab opens and shows a table with an overview of the Edge sites.
      3. In the Edge site overview, click the name of an Edge site.
        The Edge site page appears.
    2. Click Download in the Installer and properties files section.Click Download Installer.

      Tip When you download the installer, an Edge user is automatically created in Collibra.

    3. Depending on your operating system and browser, follow the regular steps for downloading files.
      The installer file is a TGZ archive that contains the files, properties.yaml and registries.yaml.

      Warning If you download an installer, the previously downloaded Edge site installer becomes invalid.

  2. Extract the TGZ archive on the server on which you want to install the Edge site software.
    tar -xf <edge-site-id>-installer.tgz
    • Keep the installer or the contents of the extracted installer in a secure location on your server. These contents contain various tools that you may need later, for example to troubleshoot issues.
    • If you want to run a script or executable file from the extracted directory, ensure that the directory is not mounted as noexec. If a directory is mounted as noexec, scripts and executable files will be prevented from being run within the directory.
  3. From inside the extracted TGZ archive directory, run the k3s installer script, including any additional flags you may need to configure. For example, if you want to configure a forward proxy or use a private docker registry for your Edge site.
    • If the Edge site has to connect via a forward HTTP proxy, then first configure the forward proxy before executing the installation.
    sudo sh properties.yaml -r registries.yaml
    In the Edge sites overview, you can see the status of the deployment.
  4. Run the following commands to verify the status of the installation.
    • To ensure that Kubernetes is running and that there is an existing node:
      sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl get nodes
    • To ensure the state of all pods are installed and running:
      sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
What is your Edge site installation method?
Which Edge CLI method do you want to use?

Note The default Edge CLI method is an easier solution for installing your Edge site via the Edge CLI. Edge creates the cluster level objects, such as namespaces, CRDs, and priority classes for you. This method can be used for both dedicated and shared clusters.

Note The restrictive Edge CLI method allows you or your company to create the cluster level objects, such as namespaces, CRDs, and priority classes, for your Edge site. This method may be required if your company has security requirements or process that do not allow Edge sites to create the cluster level objects for you. This method can be used for both dedicated and shared clusters.

Warning Collibra Support will not assist with custom Helm or Kubernetes configurations. The following steps are an example, and any assistance for configurations or issues outside of these steps is unsupported. We recommend using the Edge CLI method for managed Kubernetes installations.

A common example of custom Helm configurations is, but not limited to, using an unsupported private repository. At this time, we only support a JFrog repository.


  • You have a global role with the Install Edge sites and the User Administration global permission, for example Edge site administrator.
  • You have created an Edge site.
  • You have configured the forward proxy, if a forward proxy is required for Edge to connect to Collibra, Datadog, OpenTelemetry and jFrog. Contact your network administrator if this is applicable.
  • Your server meets all system requirements.
  • You will install your Edge site on a supported Kubernetes cluster.
  • You must have namespace level access to the Kubernetes cluster where you want to install your Edge site.
  • You must have admin level access to your the Kubernetes cluster where you want to install your Edge site.
  • You must have admin privileges to create the collibra-edge namespace, priority classes, and CRD’s when executing the install script.
  • You must run the following commands on a virtual machine where yq version 4.18.1 or later, and jq can be executed.


  1. Download the installer:
    1. Open an Edge site.
      1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
        The Collibra settings page opens.
      2. In the tab pane, click Edge.
        The Sites tab opens and shows a table with an overview of the Edge sites.
      3. In the Edge site overview, click the name of an Edge site.
        The Edge site page appears.
    2. Click Download in the Installer and properties files section.Click Download Installer.

      Tip When you download the installer, an Edge user is automatically created in Collibra.

    3. Depending on your operating system and browser, follow the regular steps for downloading files.
      The installer file is a TGZ archive that contains the files, properties.yaml, and registries.yaml.

      Warning If you download an installer, the previously downloaded Edge site installer becomes invalid.

  2. Extract the TGZ archive on the server on which you want to install the Edge site.
    tar -xf <edge-site-id>-installer.tgz
    • Keep the installer or the contents of the extracted installer in a secure location on your server. These contents contain various tools that you may need later, for example to troubleshoot issues.
    • If you want to run a script or executable file from the extracted directory, ensure that the directory is not mounted as noexec. If a directory is mounted as noexec, scripts and executable files will be prevented from being run within the directory.
  3. Set the EDGE_INSTALLER_PATH environment variable to the path of the root of the extracted installer.
  4. Run the following command to confirm that the Kubeconfig environment variable has been set to a valid kubeconfig:
    echo $KUBECONFIG  
  5. Deploy cluster level objects:
    • Create the namespace for collibra-edge.
      Note Clusters that have more than one Edge site installed must have unique namespaces.
    • If you are using an Openshift cluster, deploy Security Context Constraints (SCC) which provide Edge service accounts with the required permissions.
    • For all cluster types, deploy Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).
      Note If you already have Argo Workflow CRDs on your cluster, you only need to add the priority class to your existing CRDs.
    • For all cluster types, deploy priority classes:
      kubectl apply -f resources/custom/priorityclass.yaml
  6. Run one of the following installation commands on the machine that has the Kubernetes cluster connection:
    • You can install your Edge site with either terminal logging or terminal and file logging. Both options log the output of your Edge site installation.
      • Terminal logging only saves the output to the Edge terminal.
      • Terminal and file logging saves the output both to the terminal and a separate file. This file will be saved in the current directory with the naming format: edge-installer-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").log
    In the Edge sites overview, you see the status of the installation.
  7. Run the following command to verify the status of the installation.
    kubectl get pods -n <my-namespace>
  1. Download the installer:
    1. Open an Edge site.
      1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
        The Collibra settings page opens.
      2. In the tab pane, click Edge.
        The Sites tab opens and shows a table with an overview of the Edge sites.
      3. In the Edge site overview, click the name of an Edge site.
        The Edge site page appears.
    2. Click Download in the Installer and properties files section.Click Download Installer.

      Tip When you download the installer, an Edge user is automatically created in Collibra.

    3. Depending on your operating system and browser, follow the regular steps for downloading files.
      The installer file is a TGZ archive that contains the files, properties.yaml, and registries.yaml.

      Warning If you download an installer, the previously downloaded Edge site installer becomes invalid.

  2. Extract the TGZ archive on the server on which you want to install the Edge site.
    tar -xf <edge-site-id>-installer.tgz
    • Keep the installer or the contents of the extracted installer in a secure location on your server. These contents contain various tools that you may need later, for example to troubleshoot issues.
    • If you want to run a script or executable file from the extracted directory, ensure that the directory is not mounted as noexec. If a directory is mounted as noexec, scripts and executable files will be prevented from being run within the directory.
  3. Set the EDGE_INSTALLER_PATH environment variable to the path of the root of the extracted installer.
  4. Run the following command to confirm that the Kubeconfig environment variable has been set to a valid kubeconfig:
    echo $KUBECONFIG 
  5. If you intend to have multiple Edge sites in your Kubernetes cluster, you must give each Edge site a unique namespace.
  6. If you are using an Openshift cluster, deploy Security Context Constraints (SCC) which provide Edge service accounts with the required permissions.
  7. Run one of the following installation commands on the machine that has the Kubernetes cluster connection:
    • You can install your Edge site with either terminal logging or terminal and file logging. Both options log the output of your Edge site installation.
      • Terminal logging only saves the output to the Edge terminal.
      • Terminal and file logging saves the output both to the terminal and a separate file. This file will be saved in the current directory with the naming format: edge-installer-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").log
    In the Edge sites overview, you see the status of the installation.
  8. Run the following command to verify the status of the installation.
    kubectl get pods -n collibra-edge
  1. Download the installer:
    1. Open an Edge site.
      1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
        The Collibra settings page opens.
      2. In the tab pane, click Edge.
        The Sites tab opens and shows a table with an overview of the Edge sites.
      3. In the Edge site overview, click the name of an Edge site.
        The Edge site page appears.
    2. Click Download in the Installer and properties files section.Click Download Installer.

      Tip When you download the installer, an Edge user is automatically created in Collibra.

    3. Depending on your operating system and browser, follow the regular steps for downloading files.
      The installer file is a TGZ archive that contains the files, properties.yaml, and registries.yaml.

      Warning If you download an installer, the previously downloaded Edge site installer becomes invalid.

  2. Extract the TGZ archive directory on the server on which you want to install the Edge site.
    tar -xf <edge-site-id>-installer.tgz
    • Keep the installer or the contents of the extracted installer in a secure location on your server. These contents contain various tools that you may need later, for example to troubleshoot issues.
    • If you want to run a script or executable file from the extracted directory, ensure that the directory is not mounted as noexec. If a directory is mounted as noexec, scripts and executable files will be prevented from being run within the directory.
  3. From inside the extracted TGZ archive directory, run the helm install prerequisite script, including any additional flags you may need to configure. For example, if you want to use a custom namespace or install your Edge site on an OpenShift cluster.
    sh edge-cd-helm-chart/ --namespace <my-namespace> --installer
  4. Install your Edge site with the Helm install script, including any additional set flags you may need to configure.:
    helm install edge-cd edge-cd-helm-chart/edge-cd -n <my-namespace> --set edgecd.collibraEdgeReleaseName=collibra-edge