Update Edge user password

When you download the Edge site installer, a dedicated user account is created in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. This user always has "Edge" as the first name and the "Edge's site name" as the last name.

A user will be created for each Edge site. This user is deleted when you delete the Edge site.

Note The Edge user account must have the Connect Edge to Collibra global permission.


  1. Reset the password of the Edge user in Collibra by following the steps in our Set or reset a user password article.
    Note The only non-alphanumeric characters accepted for passwords are: !, $, %, &,(, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, ], ^, _, {, |, }, ~.
    For more information about the default password requirements, go to the Password settings.
  2. Connect to the Edge master node via SSH.
  3. Run the following script: /usr/local/bin/edge update-dgc-creds -i
  4. Enter the username, new password of the Edge user and the endpoint of your Collibra platform, for example: https://<instance-name>..
    Note You can leave the endpoint empty if you are not changing the existing endpoint associated with your credentials.