Edge Command Line Interface (CLI)

Note Edge CLI is only available on Linux for x86_64 architecture.

The Edge Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that allows you to set up and manage aspects of your Edge site.

As of 2024.05, the Edge CLI is included in the Edge site installer, and can be found in the extracted Edge site installer directory. If you need to download or update only the Edge CLI, see the commands in the table below based on where your Edge site is installed.

How you can use the Edge CLI commands on k3S

Note This is not an exhaustive list of commands. If you want to see the full list of commands available via the Edge CLI, run the CLI help command.

Action Definition
Download a new Edge CLI

You may need to download an Edge CLI because you do not have it available locally yet or you need a newer version of the Edge CLI.

  • If you do not have the Edge CLI available locally, run the following command from wherever your Edge site is installed:
    EDGE_CD_POD=$(sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl get pod -n collibra-edge -l app.kubernetes.io/name=edge-cd -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl cp -n collibra-edge ${EDGE_CD_POD}:/edgecli edgecli
  • If you want to update your Edge CLI to the latest version, run the following command from the Edge CLI:
    sudo ./edgecli cli upgrade -d <edgecli_dir>
Get Edge site diagnostics

Use this command from this command and provide the results to Collibra Support when troubleshooting issues on your Edge site:

sudo ./edgecli diagnostics -d <diagfile.tgz>
Create an Edge site backup

Use this command to create a backup of your Edge site. This is required when you want to reinstall your Edge site.

sudo ./edgecli recovery backup --path <backup_path>
Update the Edge user credentials in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform

Use this command to update the Edge user's username or password in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform:

sudo ./edgecli config dgc --pass <password> --url <dgc url> --user <username>
Restart Edge components

Use this command if you need to restart an Edge component, but not restart the virtual machine:

sudo ./edgecli restart
Update forward proxy settings

Use this command to update forward proxy settings for your Edge site:

sudo ./edgecli config proxy --path <path to proxy config>
Pull list of custom certificates

Use this command to pull a list of all custom certificates configured on your Edge site.

sudo ./edgecli config ca list

Additional parameters:

  • --namespace: If your Edge site has a custom namespace, you must add this parameter and the namespace name to the command.
  • --raw: Pulls the raw data of the certificates. Without this, only the basic certificate information is returned.

Add custom certificates to the Edge site truststore Use this command to add custom certificates to the Edge truststore after an Edge site has been installed:
sudo ./edgecli config ca merge --path certificate.pem

Additional parameter:

  • --namespace: If your Edge site has a custom namespace, you must add this parameter and the namespace name to the command.

Replace all existing custom certificates in the Edge site truststore

Use this command to replace all existing custom certificates in the Edge site truststore:

sudo ./edgecli config ca replace --path certificate.pem
  • This command only replaces custom certificates. System certificates are not impacted by this command.

Additional parameter:

  • --namespace: If your Edge site has a custom namespace, you must add this parameter and the namespace name to the command.

Setup and use Vaults with your Edge site

Important  This feature is available only in the latest UI.

Vault commands are dependent on which vault and authentication method you use. Visit the dedicated pages to learn what the Edge CLI commands are to:

Setup and manage shared files for the Shared Storage connection

The Shared Storage connection for technical lineage allows you to access data source files from a shared folder.

To setup and manage the folder and files used for the Shared Storage connection, use the following commands in the Edge CLI:

  • Upload a shared folder which contains multiple data source files:
    sudo ./edgecli objects folder-upload
    --source <source-string>
    --target <target-string>
    --ttlSeconds <time>
    <source-string>The data source file you want to upload for your Shared Storage connection.
    <target-string>The folder in your Edge site where you want to store the shared folder and files.
    Note This folder does not have to already exist in your Edge site. If it does not, a folder with the name entered here will be created in your Edge site, containing the folder and files you have uploaded.
    <time> (optional)The number of seconds that the uploaded files will be available before being evicted, the default is 15552000 seconds (180 days).
  • Upload a single shared data source file:
    sudo ./edgecli objects file-upload 
    --source <source-string>
    --target <target-string>
    --key <key-string>
    --ttlSeconds <time>
    <source-string>The data source file you want to upload for your Shared Storage connection.
    <target-string>The folder in your Edge site where you want to store the shared file.
    Note This folder does not have to already exist in your Edge site. If it does not, a folder with the name entered here will be created in your Edge site, containing the file you have uploaded.
    <key-string> (optional)The path of a specific file within a folder or nested within multiple folders. For example, you only want to upload the myFile.txt file, which is in the myFolders folder.

    If you do not specify this property, it will default to the file name.

    <time> (optional)The number of seconds that the uploaded file will be available before being evicted, the default is 15552000 seconds (180 days).
  • Upload multiple folders to their own shared folder:
    sudo ./edgecli objects multi-folder-upload
    --parallelism <parallel-uploads>
    --source <source-string>
    --ttlSeconds <time>
    <parallel-uploads> (optional)

    The number of files that are uploaded at the same time.

    For example, you want to upload 30 files that are in 3 folders and set the parallelism property to 10. Your files are uploaded to the shared storage connection 10 files at a time until all 30 files have been uploaded.

    <source-string>The data source folders you want to upload to your Shared Storage connection.
    <time> (optional)The number of seconds that the uploaded file will be available before being evicted, the default is 15552000 seconds (180 days).
  • Update or add a new file to an existing folder in Edge:
    sudo ./edgecli objects file-upload --source <source-string>
    --target <target-string> \
    --key <key-string> \
  • Key Definition

    The data source file you want to upload to replace an existing file or add to an existing folder in your Shared Storage connection.

    <target-string> The folder in your Edge site where you want to store the shared file.
    <key-string> (optional) The path of a specific file within a folder or nested within multiple folders. For example, you only want to upload the myFile.txt file, which is in the myFolders folder.

    If you do not specify this property, it will default to the file name.

  • Pull a list of all folders and files that have been uploaded to your Edge site:
    sudo ./edgecli objects folder-list
  • Delete a shared folder or file from your Edge site:
    sudo ./edgecli objects folder-delete
    --target <target-string>
    <target-string>The name of the Edge shared folder you want to delete from your Edge site.

Access help

If you need help when using the Edge CLI tool, you can run the help command to:

  • View a full list of supported Edge CLI commands:
    sudo ./edgecli -h
  • View the specific parameters and usage of a specific Edge CLI command. For example, running the following command will return help information for the delete shared folder command for the Shared Storage connection:
    sudo ./edgecli objects folder-delete -h
    Deletes shared folder that was uploaded, if it exists
      edgecli objects folder-delete [flags]
          --target string   The folder name specified in edge (DGC)
    Global Flags:
      -h, --help

How to use Edge CLI commands on a Managed Kubernetes cluster

Note This is not an exhaustive list of commands. If you want to see the full list of commands available via the Edge CLI, run the CLI help command.

Actions Definitions
Install an Edge site

You can install your Edge site on a managed Kubernetes cluster by following the steps outlined in Install an Edge site, in addition to running one of the following commands:

  • You can install your Edge site with either terminal logging or terminal and file logging. Both options log the output of your Edge site installation.
    • Terminal logging only saves the output to the Edge terminal.
    • Terminal and file logging saves the output both to the terminal and a separate file. This file will be saved in the current directory with the naming format: edge-installer-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").log
Uninstall an Edge site

If you have installed your Edge site using the Edge CLI method, you can uninstall your Edge site by using one of the following commands:

  • With terminal logging
    ./edgecli uninstall
  • With terminal and file logging:
    ./edgecli uninstall 2>&1 | tee "edge-installer-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").log"
  • If your Edge site was installed using the old method, and not the Edge CLI method, use the uninstall command via the Edge tool.
  • If your Edge site is installed via the Edge CLI method and it has a custom namespace, you must add -n <my-namespace> to the command.
Download a new Edge CLI

You may need to download an Edge CLI because you do not have it available locally yet or you need a newer version of the Edge CLI.

  • If you do not have the Edge CLI available locally, run the following command from a Linux machine that has access to the Kubernetes cluster where your Edge site is installed:
    EDGE_CD_POD=$(kubectl -n <my-namespace> get pod -l app.kubernetes.io/name=edge-cd -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    kubectl cp -n collibra-edge ${EDGE_CD_POD}:/edgecli edgecli
  • If you want to update your Edge CLI to the latest version, run the following command from the Edge CLI:
    ./edgecli cli upgrade -d <edgecli_dir> -n <my-namespace>

Note If your Edge site is installed on a dedicated cluster via the Edge CLI method and it does not have a custom namespace, you can remove -n <my-namespace> from the commands.

Get Edge site diagnostics

Use this command from this command and provide the results to Collibra Support when troubleshooting issues on your Edge site:

./edgecli diagnostics -d <diagfile.tgz> -n <my-namespace>

Note If your Edge site is installed on a dedicated cluster via the Edge CLI method and it does not have a custom namespace, you can remove -n <my-namespace> from the command.

Create an Edge site backup

Use this command to create a backup of your Edge site. This is required when you want to reinstall your Edge site.

./edgecli recovery backup --path <backup_path>
Update the Edge user credentials in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform

Use this command to update the Edge user's username or password in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform:

./edgecli config dgc --pass <password> --url <dgc url> --user <username> -n <my-namespace>

Note If your Edge site is installed on a dedicated cluster via the Edge CLI method and it does not have a custom namespace, you can remove -n <my-namespace> from the command.

Restart Edge components

Use this command if you need to restart an Edge component, but not restart the virtual machine:

./edgecli restart
Update forward proxy settings

Use this command to update forward proxy settings for your Edge site:

./edgecli config proxy --path <path to proxy config>
Pull list of custom certificates

Use this command to pull a list of all custom certificates configured on your Edge site.

./edgecli config ca list

Additional parameters:

  • --namespace: If your Edge site has a custom namespace, you must add this parameter and the namespace name to the command.
  • --raw: Pull the raw data of the certificates. Without this, only the basic certificate information is returned.

Add custom certificates to the Edge site truststore Use this command to add custom certificates to the Edge truststore after an Edge site has been installed:
./edgecli config ca merge --path certificate.pem

Additional parameter:

  • --namespace: If your Edge site has a custom namespace, you must add this parameter and the namespace name to the command.

Replace all existing custom certificates in the Edge site truststore

Use this command to replace all existing custom certificates in the Edge site truststore:

./edgecli config ca replace --path certificate.pem
  • This command only replaces custom certificates. System certificates are not impacted by this command.

Additional parameter:

  • --namespace: If your Edge site has a custom namespace, you must add this parameter and the namespace name to the command.

Setup and use Vaults with your Edge site

Important  This feature is available only in the latest UI.

Vault commands are dependent on which vault and authentication method you use. Visit the dedicated pages to learn what the Edge CLI commands are to:

Setup and manage shared files for the Shared Storage connection

The Shared Storage connection for technical lineage allows you to access data source files from a shared folder.

To setup and manage the folder and files used for the Shared Storage connection, use the following commands in the Edge CLI:

  • Upload a shared folder which contains multiple data source files:
    ./edgecli objects folder-upload
    --source <source-string>
    --target <target-string>
    --ttlSeconds <time>
    <source-string>The data source file you want to upload for your Shared Storage connection.
    <target-string>The folder in your Edge site where you want to store the shared folder and files.
    Note This folder does not have to already exist in your Edge site. If it does not, a folder with the name entered here will be created in your Edge site, containing the folder and files you have uploaded.
    <time> (optional)The number of seconds that the uploaded files will be available before being evicted, the default is 15552000 seconds (180 days).
  • Upload a single shared data source file:
    ./edgecli objects file-upload 
    --source <source-string>
    --target <target-string>
    --key <key-string>
    --ttlSeconds <time>
    <source-string>The data source file you want to upload for your Shared Storage connection.
    <target-string>The folder in your Edge site where you want to store the shared file.
    Note This folder does not have to already exist in your Edge site. If it does not, a folder with the name entered here will be created in your Edge site, containing the file you have uploaded.
    <key-string> (optional)The path of a specific file within a folder or nested within multiple folders. For example, you only want to upload the myFile.txt file, which is in the myFolders folder.

    If you do not specify this property, it will default to the file name.

    <time> (optional)The number of seconds that the uploaded file will be available before being evicted, the default is 15552000 seconds (180 days).
  • Upload multiple folders to their own shared folder:
    ./edgecli objects multi-folder-upload
    --parallelism <parallel-uploads>
    --source <source-string>
    --ttlSeconds <time>
    <parallel-uploads> (optional)

    The number of files that are uploaded at the same time.

    For example, you want to upload 30 files that are in 3 folders and set the parallelism property to 10. Your files are uploaded to the shared storage connection 10 files at a time until all 30 files have been uploaded.

    <source-string>The data source folders you want to upload to your Shared Storage connection.
    <time> (optional)The number of seconds that the uploaded file will be available before being evicted, the default is 15552000 seconds (180 days).
  • Update or add a new file to an existing folder in Edge:
    ./edgecli objects file-upload --source <source-string>
    --target <target-string> \
    --key <key-string> \
  • Key Definition

    The data source file you want to upload to replace an existing file or add to an existing folder in your Shared Storage connection.

    <target-string> The folder in your Edge site where you want to store the shared file.
    <key-string> (optional) The path of a specific file within a folder or nested within multiple folders. For example, you only want to upload the myFile.txt file, which is in the myFolders folder.

    If you do not specify this property, it will default to the file name.

  • Pull a list of all folders and files that have been uploaded to your Edge site:
    ./edgecli objects folder-list
  • Delete a shared folder or file from your Edge site:
    ./edgecli objects folder-delete
    --target <target-string>
    <target-string>The name of the Edge shared folder you want to delete from your Edge site.

Access help

If you need help when using the Edge CLI tool, you can run the help command to:

  • View a full list of supported Edge CLI commands:
    ./edgecli -h
  • View the specific parameters and usage of a specific Edge CLI command. For example, running the following command will return help information for the delete shared folder command for the Shared Storage connection:
    ./edgecli objects folder-delete -h
    Deletes shared folder that was uploaded, if it exists
      edgecli objects folder-delete [flags]
          --target string   The folder name specified in edge (DGC)
    Global Flags:
      -h, --help