Delete an Edge site vault integration

Important  This feature is available only in the latest UI.

Important This topic uses the Edge CLI. If you still use the deprecated Edge tool, go to the Edge Tool documentation to review the relevant commands. Keep in mind that the Edge Tool will be end of life with the February 2025.02 release.

If you no longer need a vault integration on your Edge site, you can use the Edge CLI tool to delete the vault integration.

Warning Deleting a vault integration will impact any connection on the same Edge site that uses this vault integration. Before deleting a vault integration, ensure that no Edge site connections use that vault integration.



Run the following code in the Edge CLI:

sudo ./edgecli vault delete <name>
Properties Description
<name> (required) The name of the vault instance. It is required and it must be unique within an Edge site. For Kubernetes guidelines on the required naming conventions of the <name> parameter, go to Labels and Selectors.
Note You can to choose provide <vaultId> instead of <name> . If you don't have the vault ID, you can get it by retrieving all vault integrations.


Run the following code in the Edge CLI:

./edgecli vault delete <name>
Properties Description
<name> (required) The name of the vault instance. It is required and it must be unique within an Edge site. For Kubernetes guidelines on the required naming conventions of the <name> parameter, go to Labels and Selectors.
Note You can to choose provide <vaultId> instead of <name> . If you don't have the vault ID, you can get it by retrieving all vault integrations.