Update the outbound proxy configuration

If you have to change the outbound proxy configuration of a running Edge site, you can use Collibra's outbound proxy update script.

Note Edge supports the following managed Kubernetes clusters:
  • AKS
  • AWS Fargate using EKS
  • EKS
  • GKE
  • OpenShift

Follow the steps below if you use a supported Kubernetes cluster.


  1. Find the proxy.properties file on the server that you used during the configuration of the outbound proxy.
  2. Update the file with the new property values and save the file.
  3. Depending on your setup, do one of the following:
    • If you use a MITM proxy and the ca.pem has changed or was not included in the initial Edge installation, reinstall your Edge site.
    • Otherwise, go to /usr/local/bin and run the following command:
      ./edge update-outbound-proxy -u /path/to/proxy.properties

Help file of the script

$ /usr/local/bin/edge update-outbound-proxy --help
  Collibra Edge Utility for updating Outbound Proxy settings.
         edge update-outbound-proxy.sh -h|--help
         edge update-outbound-proxy.sh -g|--generate-template <filename>
         edge update-outbound-proxy.sh -u|--update-outbound-proxy <filename>

  -h|--help                   - Show help
  -g|--generate-template      - generate template file for proxy properties in <filename>
  -u|--update-outbound-proxy  - update outbound-proxy secret based on proxy properties <filename>