Identical asset names per domain

‘Identical asset names per domain’ is a feature that allows you to give the same name to multiple assets in a domain. If ‘identical asset names per domain’ is enabled for an asset type, then multiple assets of that asset type can have an identical name in a domain.

Note All assets must have a unique full name per domain, regardless of whether or not ‘identical asset names per domain’ is enabled. It's important to note that zero-width/whitespace characters are allowed in asset names.

Technically, all assets have two names:

  • A name: the regular name that is used by default in most places in the UI, such as the asset page title bar, preview panes, diagrams, search results, automatic hyperlinks and relation tables.
  • A full name: the fully qualified name that must be unique within a domain. It is mainly used for technical operations (through the API) and when you edit an asset whose asset type allows identical names per domain.

By default, the name of an asset is the same as its full name. Collibra Data Intelligence Platform automatically synchronizes them, so users don't notice the difference. However, for some asset types, it may be beneficial to allow users to edit the name and full name independently of one another, and have multiple assets with an identical name in one domain. This has the following benefits:

  • You can use a shorter or simpler name for an asset that has a long or complex full name. This is particularly useful in Collibra Data Catalog.
  • You can use the same name for multiple assets in one domain. Keep in mind that the full name still has to be unique for each asset in a domain.

Affected features

  • The API is backward-compatible with regard to this feature, meaning the behavior of the API is not affected by whether or not ‘identical names per domain’ is enabled.
  • Drop-down fields
    • In asset drop-down fields, you can search for an asset based on the name or the full name.
      This also includes the drop-down menus to:
      • Add manual hyperlinks to an asset in a text attribute.
      • Add (complex) relations on an asset page and in assets table.
      • Filter relations on an asset table.
      • Add data to a data set.
  • Tables
    • The Name column contains the name. This column cannot be removed because it is used by hierarchy.
    • The Full name column is a regular column that is optional.
    • The relation columns contain asset names.
    • You can use both the name and full name as:
      • An advanced filter.
      • A sort option.
      • A column filter.
    • The preview pane shows the asset's name.
    • Editing cells:
      • If the asset type allows identical asset names per domain, you can edit both the name and full name of an asset, independently of one another.
      • If the asset type does not allow identical asset names per domain, editing either the name or full name changes both values.
      • Bulk editing the Name and Full name column is not possible.
  • Tiles
    • The name is used in tile header.
    • Full name is a regular field. It can be moved, hidden and you can edit field name.
    • Name and full name are both available as a sort option.
  • Diagrams
    • The default node name is the asset name. You can also use the full name (or any other property) as node name.
    • You can use Name and Full Name as a node overlay.
    • The preview shows the name of an asset.
  • Export
    • The name is always exported to the Name column.
    • If you select Add the characteristics needed for reimport:
      • The full name is always exported (to uniquely identify each asset during re-import).
      • Relations are exported based on the full name: relation name [role/co-role asset type] → Full Name.
    • If you do not select Add the characteristics needed for reimport:
      • If the Full name column is added to the view, it is exported to the Full name column.
      • Relations are exported based on the name: relation name [role/co-role asset type] → Name.
  • Import
    • Full name has to be mapped, unless you map the ‘ID’ column (only available in special view ‘All Characteristics').
    • Full name will auto-map to the Full name column.
    • When you import a file that was exported pre-5.4, you have to manually map the Full name column of the view to the Name column of the import file.
    • Name will auto-map to the Name column.
    • Name does not have to be mapped.
    • Complex relations:
      • Relation asset full name auto-maps to relation name [role/co-role asset type] → Full Name.
      • When you import a file that was exported pre-5.4, you have to manually map the Full name column of the view to the relation name [role/co-role asset type] → co-role/role asset type column of the import file.
      • Relation asset display name should not be mapped.
  • Search
    • Basic search: searches for assets by name.
    • Advanced search: searches for assets by name, when name is in the search criteria.
    • Currently, you can not define a search filter for the ‘full name’ field.
    • In the search results, the Name column shows the asset name.
    • The preview shows the asset name.
  • Validation rules
    • To refer to the name in your validation rule scripts, use displayName.
    • To refer to the full name in validation rule script, use fullName.
    • Validation rules are backward compatible with regard to this feature, meaning a validation rule written prior to 5.4, will behave the same in 5.4.


  • Administrators can enable or disable identical asset names per domain for an asset type.
    Note If identical asset names per domain has been enabled for an asset type and there are multiple assets in the domain with identical names, the feature can still be disabled. Collibra will simply show the full name of such assets, throughout the UI.
  • You can edit the asset name and full name.
  • You can add the Full name field to a table or tile.