
End of life for Edge Classification- updated

Announced with release 2024.04

In 2024.02, the new classification method on Edge, Unified Data Classification, became generally available. At that time, we didn't include a migration process to the new method. We have released a migration procedure with release 2024.07. The migration process will also allow you to convert your advanced data types (ADTs) to data classes in Unified Data Classification.

  • If you are using Edge and haven't yet moved to the new data classification method, we plan an automatic migration in 2024.07.

  • If you are using Edge and have enabled the new data classification method, a manual migration process will be available in 2024.07.

As a result, we've moved the end of life of Edge classification to September 30, 2024.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Team if you have any questions.

For information on:

End of life for Collibra Data Governance Center

Announced with release 2024.02

We are announcing the end of life of Collibra Data Governance Center (Collibra DGC), our on-premises product. This applies to all Collibra DGC environments, both commercial and public sector.

The following dates are important milestones:

  • August 23rd, 2024: Up to this date, we will continue to deliver our best-effort support for Collibra DGC environments on versions older than 5.9.1. If you are currently on such version, we highly encourage you to upgrade as soon as possible.
  • Feb 24th, 2025: Up to this date, we will provide best-effort support for Collibra DGC version 5.9.1 and later.

Going forward, we recommend you upgrade to Collibra Data Intelligence Platform or our new offering for on-premises customers: Collibra Platform Self-Hosted (CPSH), which will continue to receive ongoing support. Please do so before the end of life date to ensure ongoing supportability of your Collibra environment. Note that you can only upgrade to CPSH (2023.11 or 2024.02) from Collibra DGC version 5.9.1.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Team if you have any questions.

Kubernetes Patch for Leaky Vessels Edge 2024.02.14-11

Kubernetes has released a patch which removes the Leaky Vessels vulnerability. To ensure you receive this patch, you need to upgrade your Kubernetes version.

  • Edge sites installed on k3s need to be reinstalled with the Edge site version 2024.02.14-11 or later to update their k3s version.
  • Edge sites installed on EKS need to update their EKS version to receive the Kubernetes patch.

End of support for Edge sites installed before 2023.11

We no longer provide support for Edge sites installed before 2023.11 on k3s or Edge sites installed on a version of EKS older than 1.27. This is because versions of k3s and EKS older than 1.27 have been made end of life by Kubernetes. While these Edge sites may continue to work, compatibility may break at any time due to an upgrade, and support will be limited for troubleshooting Kubernetes versions that are no longer officially supported by the Kubernetes foundation.

You will need to reinstall your Edge site to upgrade to the latest Edge site version that includes the latest Edge-supported Kubernetes version, or upgrade your EKS version to 1.27 or later. For more information, go to Compatibility between Edge sites and Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.

End of life for Business User Interface

Announced with release 2023.09

We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the Business User Interface in Collibra Data Privacy, effective November, 2023. This EOL announcement applies to all customers and all environments.

No immediate action is needed from you at this time. We do ask that you plan accordingly to remove usage of the Business User Interface within your organization before November, 2023. Please note that the majority of the Business User Interface capabilities are available within workflows in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Team if you have any questions.

End of support for Edge sites installed before 2022.08

We no longer provide support for Edge sites installed before 2022.08 with k3s 1.20. While these Edge sites may continue to work, compatibility may break at any time due to an upgrade. This is because Kubernetes ceased patching updates to k8s 1.20 (including the lighter k3s version Edge runs on) in 2022, which leaves any Edge site with this version of k3s open to vulnerabilities and bugs that Kubernetes will not fix. Therefore, Collibra will be unable to address any subsequent issues with Edge sites on this version, outside of reinstalling the site to the latest version.

If any of your Edge sites are impacted, you will be notified on the relevant Edge site pages. You will need to reinstall your Edge site to upgrade to the latest Edge site version which includes the latest Edge supported Kubernetes version. For more information, go to Compatibility between Edge sites and Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.

End of life for Advanced Data Types, Cloud Classification, and Edge Classification

Announced July 13, 2023 with release 2023.07

Aligned with the Jobserver end of life, we are announcing the end of life of Advanced Data Types and Cloud Classification on September 30, 2024.

  • Advanced Data Types (ADT) in Data Catalog are only supported for Jobserver, which will be end of life on September 30, 2024.
  • Cloud Classification relies on data extracted via Jobserver, which will be end of life on September 30, 2024.

We are working on a new classification system on Edge, Unified Data Classification, that will replace the existing Jobserver Cloud Classification system and that will support custom data classes. The general availability roll-out is estimated for 2024.02.

Unified Data Classification will also replace the existing Edge classification system, because the existing system doesn't support custom data classes. The Edge classification system will be migrated to Unified Data Classification in 2024.02. That's why we're announcing the end of life of Edge classification on February 29, 2024.

A migration procedure, workflow, and support materials will be available when Unified Data Classification becomes generally available. The migration process will also allow you to convert your advanced data types to data classes in Unified Data Classification.

  • If you are using Edge classification, we plan an automatic migration to Unified Data Classification as soon as the new system and all related support materials become generally available in 2024.02. More information will become available closer to this date.
  • If you are using cloud classification or advanced data types, you will need to migrate to Unified Data Classification before September 30, 2024.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Team if you have any questions.

For information on:

End of life for Collibra for Desktop and Collibra for Mobile

Announced with release 2023.05

We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of Collibra for Desktop and Collibra for Mobile, effective October 31, 2024. This EOL announcement applies to all customers and all environments.

No immediate action is needed from you at this time. We do ask that you plan accordingly to remove usage of Collibra for Desktop and Collibra for Mobile within your organization before October 31, 2024. Please note that the majority of the Collibra for Desktop capabilities are available within Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. For more information, go to the Data Citizens Community.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Team if you have any questions.

End of life for Jobserver

Announced with release 2023.03

The 2023.02 release brought with it the general availability of the Jobserver to Edge migration script for schemas (JDBC ingestions). Aligned with the migration script release, we are announcing the end of life of Jobserver and all related Jobserver integrations for September 30, 2024. This end of life applies to all Collibra environments with the exception of Public Sector customers using GovCloud or on-prem environments.

If you are using Jobserver and are not a Public Sector customer using a GovCloud or on-prem environment, you will need to migrate to Edge before September 30, 2024. Please reach out to your Customer Success Team if you have any questions.

For information on:

Collibra email provider change for application emails

Announced with release 2023.01

Important This change does not affect GovCloud and on-premises environments.

In February 2023, Collibra switched email providers for our application emails to improve email security. Please note, this did not impact marketing or other Collibra emails.

This change only affects you minimally or not at all, unless your organization applies very strict security. If your organization does apply very strict security, we recommend you review the details below and assess their impact with your security team. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your support team.

This change impacted:

  • The Mailfrom address
  • The Return-Path header
  • The SPF record
  • The IP addresses of the sender

    As of December 22, 2022, IP addresses are:


    However, you can check the SPF record of for the latest IP addresses. You can do this online or via DNS lookup:
    dig @ +short -t TXT


Below you can see an example of the future email headers. This information can help your IT administrators and security teams determine what changes they may need to make according to your organization's configurations and security policies regarding inbound email. Note that the sending IP addresses may change, so validate them via the SPF record as mentioned above.

End of life for Collibra Connect

Announced with release 2022.03

We have made the decision to transition away from Collibra Connect to provide customers a wider range of integration options.

Our native Collibra integrations (connectors) will be easier to implement and maintain, provide a better return on investment, and allow you to grow with and derive greater value from Collibra:

  • Collibra integrations and Spring Boot based frameworks will replace Collibra Connect as options to build integrations going forward.
  • You can choose any ESB or integration method for your use case.
  • Our intention is to enable Collibra connectors to support ingestion as well as use cases for data profiling, data classification and other cloud functionalities.
  • If you have an enterprise MuleSoft license, you can easily switch to it. For details on how to switch from Connect licenses to MuleSoft licenses see this Collibra Support article.

Rest assured Connect templates are and will remain compatible with our product, please contact us for any Connect-related question. Only support or any upgrades on these products will be discontinued.

Note As of September 2022, you will need a MuleSoft Community Edition license or your own proprietary paid license to run Connect templates.


RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7 are no longer supported

Announced with release 2022.03

A new Edge site on K3S can no longer be installed on RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.x and CentOS 7.x. Upgrade your operating system for existing Edge sites before Collibra release 2022.06.