Warning We have announced the end of life of Jobserver and all related Jobserver integrations for September 30, 2024, with the exception of Public Sector customers using GovCloud or on-prem environments.
For information on the integration of S3 via Edge, go to Integrating an Amazon S3 file system via Edge.

Connect a file system asset to Amazon S3 via Jobserver


In Collibra 2024.02, we've launched a new user interface (UI) in beta for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

To retrieve data from Amazon S3, you have to connect via an S3 File System asset. You always have to do that after registering a new Amazon S3 File System. You can also edit the settings afterwards, for example, if you want to use another Jobserver than the one you originally selected.

Before you begin

  • You have configured one or more Jobservers in Collibra Console. If there is no available Jobserver, the Register data source actions will be grayed out in the global create menu of Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.
  • You have registered an Amazon S3 file system.



  1. Open an S3 File System asset page.
  2. In the tab panebar, click Configuration. In the tab panebar, click Configuration.
  3. In the Connection Details section, click Edit.
  4. Enter the required information.

    Connect via

    The Jobserver used for synchronizing.

    Access key ID

    The access key ID of the programmatic AWS user.

    Secret access key

    The secret access key of the programmatic AWS user.

    IAM roleThe IAM role to be assigned to the crawlers.
  5. Click Save.

What's next?

You can now create crawlers.