Tailored landing pages

When you open AI Governance, the landing page that opens is based on your global role in Collibra.

  • If you have the AI Legal Reviewer global role, the Legal Reviewer landing page opens.
  • If you have any other global role that has the Product Rights > AI Governance global permission, the Business Steward landing page opens.

The Business Steward landing page allows you to view all existing AI use cases and register new use cases.

No. Element Description

Register AI Use Case button

Opens the Register AI Use Case dialog box.

Note You can also create an AI Use Case asset via the global Create button. When you create an asset that way, no workflows or assessments are started. This is helpful if you want to add details to the various sections of the asset page, without the values being overwritten by an assessment.

Search AI Use Cases

Opens the Search page. The asterisk (*) wildcard search is run with a filter applied for th AI Use Case asset type, meaning all existing AI Use Case assets are shown in the search results.

Use cases

The collection of all registered AI use cases, organized by status (Ideation, Development, Monitoring, or Archived).

Note Use cases with the Archived status don't appear on the landing page. You can still find them, however, in the relevant domain. All AI Use Case assets are created in the out-of-the-box AI Governance domain.

Tip For information on advancing the status of an AI use case, go to Progress Tracker.

The Legal Reviewer landing page allows you to start assessments on new AI use cases, monitor existing and newly created use cases, register new use cases, and see which review tasks are awaiting action from you.

No. Element Description

AI Governance Home The landing page for AI Governance.
AI Use Cases tab Shows all AI Use Case assets in your Collibra environment.
AI Models tab Shows all AI Model assets in your Collibra environment.

Conduct Legal and Ethics Assessment button

Starts an assessment using the Legal and Ethics template.

You can start an assessment before or after an AI use case is registered.

For more information, go to Conduct an assessment of an AI Use Case asset.

Tip You can also start any of the assessments from the Progress Tracker. The four out-of-the-box assessments that are designed to prompt critical considerations during the Ideation stage of the use case, are automatically added to the Progress Tracker.

Register AI Use Case button Opens the Register AI Use Case dialog box.

Note You can also create an AI Use Case asset via the global Create button. When you create an asset that way, no workflows or assessments are started. This is helpful if you want to add details to the various sections of the asset page, without the values being overwritten by an assessment.

Search AI Use Cases button

Opens the Search page. The asterisk (*) wildcard search is run with a filter applied for th AI Use Case asset type, meaning all existing AI Use Case assets are shown in the search results.

Recently Created

Shows the three most recently registered AI use cases.

To Review

Shows the assessment review tasks that you've been assigned and which require action from you. The oldest tasks are shown, up to a maximum of five.

Click a review item to open the respective Assessment Review asset page.

Note Tasks related to Assessment Review assets that have the status New, Accepted, Rejected, or Obsolete do not appear in this list.

Risk Monitoring section

Shows existing AI use cases, grouped by risk level.

Note This section only shows AI use cases that have the status Monitoring.

Tip You can quickly identify the status of an AI use case in the Progress Tracker. For descriptions of the various statuses, go to Status evolution of an AI use case.

  • Low complexity: Low complexity risks are those that can typically be described by a single stakeholders and are more easily automated. Example: Is your data open source?
  • Intermediate complexity: Intermediate complexity risks can sometimes be described by a single stakeholder, but oftentimes require an open-ended response. Example: How will the model be using the data?
  • High complexity: High complexity risks can rarely be described by a single stakeholder, typically require an open-ended response, and are frequently subjective in nature. Example: How have you minimized the number of data subjects you’re using in your model?