General settings page


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

The General page of the Collibra settings has several tab pages:

Tab page Description
System See information about the installation of your Collibra environment, rebuild the search index, and rebuild automatic hyperlinks, and upgrade the activity history.
Activities See the details of all activities started by all users and their results, if available.
Banners Create, edit, or delete banners.
Customizations Customize Collibra by changing the logo or color theme, or translating custom text.
Language and Locale

Edit or translate the interface text of Collibra.

Select the language and locale of Collibra.