Upgrade the activity history after an upgrade to 2020.11 or 5.7.7

After an upgrade to Collibra version 2020.11 or 5.7.7, the activity history of assets is not automatically visible in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. You need to upgrade the activity history to make it visible.

  • The backup you restore must contain history data as one of the options when creating a backup.
  • You need to upgrade the activity history only once. Subsequent upgrades do not require you to perform this task again.


  1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
    The Collibra settings page opens.
  2. Click General.
  3. On the System tab, at the bottom of the page, click .

    The history in the backup is converted to the new environment. The conversion time depends on the size of the history in the backup. You can view the status of the history upgrade by viewing your activities.