
An activity is a process that Collibra runs in the background. While the process is running, you can use Collibra as usual. Activities are, for example, importing and exporting assets, or registering a data source and profiling data.


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

Activities lists

Activities lists show more information about the most recent or ongoing activities in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform, for example the creation date and the status.

There are activities lists in different locations:

The activities list in the main menu only shows the most recent and ongoing activities. You can open the activities list by clicking in the main menu. If there are activities still running, the wheel is spinning. You can open the activities list by clicking in the main menu.

Click Show more to open the activities list on your profile page.

The activities list on your profile page contains a table with all your activities. It also shows more information about each activity, for example the creation date, name, status, start, finish and result.

You can open the activities list by clicking Show more in the activities list on the main menu or by opening your profile page and clicking the Activities tab.

Column Description
Created The date and time that the activity started.
Name The name of the activity.

The status of the activity. The following statuses can be shown:

  • Canceled for canceled activities.
  • Canceling for activities that are in the process of being canceled.
  • Completed for completed activities.
  • Error for failed activities.
  • Running for activities that are still running.
  • Waiting for activities that are not started yet.
Job Result Specific results of the job based on whether you selected the option to continue on error.
  • Success: All imports are completed without any errors.
  • Completed with error: There are some errors but all successful imports are completed.
  • Aborted: The import was stopped after reaching the threshold of the number of failed commands set in the import configuration setting in Collibra Console . All successful commands before reaching the threshold were completed.
  • Failure: Something went wrong and caused the job to stop before processing all imports or reaching the number of failed commands threshold.
Started The date and time that the activity started.
Finished The date and time that the activity finished.

If available, a button to see detailed results of the activity. Depending on the activity, the result can be different.

Example If you exported assets and click Results in the activities list, you download the export results. If you registered a data source in Data Catalog, a dialog box shows more information about the registration job.

<Column to delete an activity> A button () to delete the activity.

The activities list in the General section of the Collibra settings contains a table with all activities started by all users. It also shows more information about each activity, for example the creation date, name, status, start, finish and result.

Column Description
Created The date and time that the activity started.
Name The name of the activity.

The status of the activity. The following statuses can be shown:

  • Canceled for canceled activities.
  • Canceling for activities that are in the process of being canceled.
  • Completed for completed activities.
  • Error for failed activities.
  • Running for activities that are still running.
  • Waiting for activities that are not started yet.
Job Result Specific results of the job based on whether you selected the option to continue on error.
  • Success: All imports are completed without any errors.
  • Completed with error: There are some errors but all successful imports are completed.
  • Aborted: The import was stopped after reaching the threshold of the number of failed commands set in the import configuration setting in Collibra Console . All successful commands before reaching the threshold were completed.
  • Failure: Something went wrong and caused the job to stop before processing all imports or reaching the number of failed commands threshold.
Started The date and time that the activity started.
Finished The date and time that the activity finished.

If available, a button to see detailed results of the activity. Depending on the activity, the result can be different.

Example If you exported assets and click Results in the activities list, you download the export results. If you registered a data source in Data Catalog, a dialog box shows more information about the registration job.

<Column to delete an activity> A button () to delete the activity.