Export assets

You can export assets from a view. For example, this is useful if you want to create an overview in Excel.


You have a global role that has the Export global permission.


  1. Open a view.

  2. Above the table, to the right, click Assets.

    The Export dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the required information.

    Choose the view that you want to export.

    By default, your current view is filled in as view to export.

    Important You cannot use views with hierarchy.

    Add the characteristic needed for reimport. (ID, Domain, Community, ...)

    Select this option if you want to reimport the export file later.

    By default, the export file only contains the characteristics that are displayed in the view. If you select this field, the export file will contain additional columns that are needed for the reimport.

    Remove text formatting

    Select this option to remove any formatting of attributes in the export file.

    Important When you reimport a file with this option selected, the columns are not automatically mapped to prevent overwriting formatted text. If you manually map the columns, you lose the text formatting.

    File name

    Type the name of the export file.

    By default, the name of the export file is set to the name of the view.

    File type

    Choose the file type of the export.

    By default, the exported file type is Excel, but you can change it to CSV.

    Sheet name

    Type the name of the sheet in the export file.

    Note This option only appears if you select Excel as the File type.

    Characters selector

    Select the characters you want to use as:

    • Separator: The default is ;.
    • Quote: The default is ".
    • Escape: The default is \.

    Note This option only appears if you select CSV as the File type.

    Attach to this resource

    Select this option to also save the file as an attachment to the resource you started the export from.

    Important Adding and removing attachments doesn't change assets, so their last modified date will not be updated.Uploading attachments is restricted by the file upload settings. Collibra administrators with access to Collibra Console can manage these settings. The export does not complete when the resulting file is larger than the maximum file size. Clear this option to complete the export.

    Note This option only appears if you start the export from a community or domain.

  4. Click Export.

    A progress message appears.

    When the export completes, the export file downloads according to the settings of your web browser.

  5. Download the file and close the progress message.

Tip If you closed the progress message before you could download the file or you want to download it again, you can find the export file in the Results column of the Activities list.