
Banners are messages that are visible for all users, on all pages of Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.

If you have a global role with the System Administration global permission, you can create, edit and delete banners in the Banners page of the General section of the Collibra settings.


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

Top Banner

The top banner appears at the top of the page. It can contain up to 500 characters of rich text, including line breaks, but no images. You can dismiss it, after which it no longer appears until the message is updated. This is typically a good place to make company-wide announcements.

Bottom Banner

The bottom banner appears at the bottom of the page. It can contain up to 250 characters of rich text, but no line breaks or images. You cannot dismiss the bottom banner and it is always visible, even in printed output. We recommend that you only use the bottom banner to display important information, such as disclaimers and legal information.



Create and edit banners

  1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
    The Collibra settings page opens.
  2. In the General section, click Banners.
    The Banners page opens.
  3. To create or edit a banner:
    1. In the Top Banner or Bottom Banner section, double-click inside the text input area or click Edit icon.
    2. Enter or edit the content of the banner.
    3. Click Publish.
      The Publish Banner dialog box appears.
    4. Click ConfirmPublish.
      The banner is now visible on all pages for all users.
  4. To delete a banner:
    1. In the Top Banner or Bottom Banner section, click Trash icon.
      The Remove Banner dialog box appears.
    2. Click DeleteRemove.
      The banner is no longer visible on any page.