Ownership proposal


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

In this phase of the asset onboarding process, the user who started the asset proposal workflow proposes ownership of the asset.

Ownership at the domain level

In the asset proposal workflow, the new asset is created. In this step, the user who proposed the asset proposes the domain in which the asset will be stored long-term. If accepted via the ownership acceptance workflow, the Owner for the proposed domain becomes the Owner for the asset, as the responsibility is inherited from the domain.

Mandatory responsibilities in the target domain

When the user selects a target domain for proposal, Data Privacy verifies that the domain has the responsibilities necessary to complete the onboarding process.

If the proposed domain lacks the necessary responsibilities, a dialog box shows which responsibilities are missing. The user can then:

  • Cancel the ownership proposal.
  • Create the necessary responsibilities in the target domain and then click Re-check roles to continue with the ownership proposal.
  • Choose a different target domain.

Tip  To successfully use the out-of-the-box data privacy workflows, you need to create the following responsibilities for each of your data privacy-related domains:
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Owner
  • Business Steward
  • Data Steward
  • Privacy Steward
  • Community Manager
  • Issue Manager
  • Subject Matter Expert
  • Stakeholder
  • Requester

Canceling the workflow

To cancel the ownership proposal workflow, the user can click Cancel in the workflow wizard. In this case:

  • The task is removed from the user's MyYour Tasks page.
  • The asset remains in the default domain with the status Candidate.
  • The ownership proposal workflow can be restarted at any time from the relevant asset page.
Tip In the workflow wizard, clicking X to close the dialog box pauses the workflow. It does not cancel the workflow. The user can resume the workflow from the MyYour Tasks page as long as the asset status is Candidate.

Output and status evolution

The following table shows the status evolution based on the possible conditions.

Condition Status of the asset
Before any action is taken Is Candidate
When a user selects a target domain for proposal and confirms the selection Becomes Ownership proposed