Edit the user account settings


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

As a regular user, you can edit the settings of your own user account on your profile page. As an administrator, you can also edit the settings of other users.


If you want to edit the user account settings of another user, you have a global role with the User Administration or the System Administration global permission, for example Sysadmin.


  1. Click your avatar, then Profile.
    Your profile page appears.
  2. Click Edit Profile.
    The Edit Profile dialog box appears.
  3. In the Account section, click .
  4. Enter the required information.

    Enter the username.

    Application Language

    Language and Locale

    Choose the interface language, which affects the language as well as the format of dates, times and numbers.

    As an administrator, you can set the default language and locale, and make all dates show in the ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format, regardless of the selected language and locale.

    This option can also be disabled when an administrator selects the default language and local.

    As an administrator, you can add or edit interface languages.

    First Name

    Enter the first name of the user.

    Last Name

    Enter the last name of the user.

    Email Address

    Enter the email address on which the user receives all communication from Collibra, such as the registration mail and notifications.

    Note When you edit your own email address, you must confirm your Collibra password. Administrators can edit the email addresses of other users without a password confirmation.

    To add a phone number, website, or instant messaging, go to Edit the contact information.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Save all.