Enable or disable Catalog experience

Important This feature isn't available in the latest user interface.

Catalog experience allows you to use the improved user experience in the Data Catalog asset pages.

Depending on your environment, follow this procedure either on the Services Configuration tab of the Collibra settings or in Collibra Console:

Important You can't edit the service configuration from the Settings page in the latest UI. If you use the latest UI, you can edit the service configuration only in Collibra Console. For more information, go to DGC service configuration settings.



  1. Open the Services Configuration page.
    1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
      The Collibra settings page opens.
    2. Click Services Configuration.
    3. Click Edit configuration.
    Open the DGC service settings for editing:
    1. Open Collibra Console.
      Collibra Console opens with the Infrastructure page.
    2. In the tab pane, expand an environment to show its services.
    3. In the tab pane, click the Data Governance Center service of that environment.
    4. Click Configuration.
    5. Click Edit configuration.
  2. In the Catalog Experience section, enter the required information:



    Enable Catalog experience

    • True: Catalog experience is enabled. This will improve the layout of Data Catalog's asset pages, such as those of Data Set, Schema, Table and Column assets.
    • False: Catalog experience is disabled.

    Catalog Experience Titlebar theme

    The theme for the Catalog experience. You can choose between the LIGHT and DARK.

    This option is only applicable if the Enable Catalog experience option is enabled.

  3. Click Save all.