Configure Collibra email settings

You can use notification emails to notify users of any changes made to assets. In the email settings, you can:

  • Configure your email server settings.
  • Specify which roles will receive emails on which days of the week.
  • Enable monthly summary emails and specify which roles will receive them.
  • Configure how emails are handled.

Depending on your environment, follow this procedure either on the Services Configuration tab of the Collibra settings or in Collibra Console:

Important You can't edit the service configuration from the Settings page in the latest UI. If you use the latest UI, you can edit the service configuration only in Collibra Console. For more information, go to DGC service configuration settings.
  • Collibra Console and Collibra Data Intelligence Platform use different email services. This topic describes the email configuration of Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. The configuration of the Collibra Console email settings is described in Configure Collibra Console email settings.
  • This section applies only to on-premises Collibra environments. In cloud environments, you can only request to change the From address. Contact Collibra Support to change the From address, see also Email configuration.



  1. Open the Services Configuration page.
    1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
      The Collibra settings page opens.
    2. Click Services Configuration.
    3. Click Edit configuration.
    Open the DGC service settings for editing:
    1. Open Collibra Console.
      Collibra Console opens with the Infrastructure page.
    2. In the tab pane, expand an environment to show its services.
    3. In the tab pane, click the Data Governance Center service of that environment.
    4. Click Configuration.
    5. Click Edit configuration.
  2. In the Email configuration section, make the necessary changes.
    Default schedule (Requires restart)

    The Cron schedule to send emails only at specific times. With this, you can send emails in batches and avoid an overload of mails.

    Keep in mind that these emails are only workflow emails and have nothing to do with the notification schedule.

    If you create an invalid cron pattern, Collibra stops responding.

    Template mapThe location of template emails.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The password paired with your username to sign in to your SMTP server.
    From address

    The email address used as the sender of all outgoing emails.

    Contact Collibra Support to change the From address, see also Email configuration.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The port to connect to your SMTP server. The default value is 25.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The hostname or URL of your SMTP server.

    Start TLS

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    • True: Use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to connect to your SMTP server.
    • False (default): Do not use TLS to connect to your SMTP server.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The username to sign in to your SMTP server.

    Sending threads

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The number of threads that are used to send emails. The default value is 3.

    Max retries

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The maximum number of retries before the system aborts the sending of an email. The default value is 5.

    Email address change notification

    This setting is only available for the ADMIN role.

    If you change the email address to which notifications are sent, notification of the change is sent to the old email address.
  3. In the Notifications section, make the necessary changes.
    Notification days

    The days of the week on which Collibra sends notifications. The days are represented by numbers from 1 to 7, where 1 represents Sunday.

    Per row you can add one day.

    Daily rolesThe roles that receive notifications on the days defined in Notification days.
    Enable monthly notifications
    • True: The users receive a monthly summary.
    • False (default): The users do not receive a monthly summary.
    Roles for monthly notificationsThe roles that receive monthly notification emails. This is only relevant if Enable monthly notifications is True.
  4. In the Handlers section, make the necessary changes.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The hostname or URL of the incoming mail server.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The port to connect to your incoming mail server.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

  5. The protocol to connect to your incoming mail server, with or without SSL (POP3, POP3S, IMAP, IMAPS).
  6. Note  The additional S at the end of the abbreviations stands for the secure version of the protocol using SSL. Using this requires the SSL certificates to be correctly configured.

    Force domain

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    • True: Only handle emails from the same domain as the handler's email address.
    • False (default): Handle emails from any domain.

    Handler list

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The configuration of email handlers, which can poll emails on an email server, process those emails and perform actions based on the contents.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    • True: The handler is enabled.
    • False (default): The handler is not enabled.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The name of the mail handler. We recommend to use a meaningful name to easily identify what this handler is used for.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The username to connect to the incoming mail server.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The password to connect to the incoming mail server.

    Email address

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The email address to which workflow action mails are sent.

    Polling interval

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    The time in milliseconds between two pollings of the mail server.


    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    • True: Delete messages from the mail server once the mail is processed.
    • False (default): Keep messages on the mail server after the mail is processed.

    This option is only relevant if Protocol is IMAP or IMAPS.


    Alias filter

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    • True (default): Retrieve only the emails of which the To field contains the email address of the handler.
    • False: Do not filter on the To field.
  7. Click Save all.

What's next?

Restart the environment to apply your changes. For more information, go to Stop an environment and Start an environment.