Warning We have announced the end of life of Jobserver and all related Jobserver integrations for September 30, 2024, with the exception of Public Sector customers using GovCloud or on-prem environments.
For information on registering a data source via Edge, go to Registering and synchronizing a data source via Edge.

Kerberos authentication

You can use Kerberos authentication for registering a Hive data source, for example Cloudera Hive, Hortonworks Hive or MapR Hive.

Authentication type

We only support Kerberos username and password authentication, not keytab. Ensure that you configure this in the jaas.conf file by setting the useKeyTab option to false.

In the following jaas.conf example, Client is the value of the loginContextName field when you configure the Kerberos connection configuration.

Client {
com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

If there are multiple entries in this configuration file, ask the database administrator or network administrator which one to use. For more information about the Jaas login configuration file, see the Java documentation.

Example krb5.conf

The following is an example configuration file of Kerberos.

  renew_lifetime = 7d
  forwardable = true
  default_realm = MY.REALM
  ticket_lifetime = 24h
  dns_lookup_realm = false
  dns_lookup_kdc = false
  default_ccache_name = /tmp/krb5cc_%{uid}

  default = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
  admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
  kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
  MY.REALM = {
    kdc = <kdc.my.realm>
    admin_server = <kadmin.my.realm>