Picture layouts

Picture layouts determine the location of nodes and edges of a picture, but do not change which nodes and edges are displayed.

You can select a picture layout in the toolbar of the picture editor.

Diagram layout Description
Flow / Context

Nodes and edges are shown in a flow and a context region.

In the flow region, nodes are shown mostly from left to right.

The context region is shown above the flow region. The edges that begin or end with a node in the context region are shown with less emphasis (thinner and light gray). You can choose which nodes are in the context region by selecting the Context checkbox in the node properties form.

If there are no nodes in the context region, this layout produces the same result as Hierarchy left -> right.

Note For an edge between a flow node and a context node, the 'from' node must be in the flow region and the 'to' node in the context region.

Hierarchy left - right Nodes and edges are shown in a flow, predominantly from left to right. This is the default layout.
Hierarchy top - down Nodes and edges are shown in a flow, from top to bottom.
Hierarchy bottom - up Nodes and edges are shown in a flow, from bottom to top.

Nodes and edges are arranged in a circular fashion.

Boxing nodes are not supported in this layout, therefore:

  • The picture is completely redrawn.
  • The explored nodes are removed from the picture.
  • The nodes expand or collapse to their initial state.
  • Returning to a layout that supports boxing nodes completely redraws the picture.

Nodes and edges are shown in a radial fashion, with no overlaps, few edge crossings and few bends.

Boxing nodes are not supported in this layout. This has the same consequences as described for the Circular layout.

Smart Organic Nodes and edges are distributed in a well-balanced manner, with few edge crossings.