Explore nodes in a diagram

For each node in a diagram, there might be relations that aren't depicted in the diagram, typically because the relation type isn't included in the diagram view, or the relation isn't traversed due to the selected traversal strategy. You can still view these relations by using the Explore option for the node.

The Explore option uses the operating model to show how data flows into and out of an asset. The relations shown when you explore a node are based exclusively on the operating model—specifically, the head, role, and tail elements of the relation types. They are grouped according to the roles defined in the operating model and are independent of any diagram configuration.

Image of the relation types in the operating model

Note Unlike a diagram view, the data shown when you explore a node isn't persistent and disappears when the page is refreshed.

If a node's asset type is the tail of a relation type in the operating model, that relation is considered incoming. Conversely, if the asset type is the head of a relation type, the relation is considered outgoing.

Image of the Explore option for a node


  1. Open a diagram.
  2. Select a node.
  3. On the context menu, point to Explore.
    A list of available relation types appears. The number next to a relation type represents the count of relations for the relation type.
  4. Click one of the relation types or group of relation types.

    Explores all relation types of the selected node.

    Clicking Explore on the context menu has the same result.


    Explores all incoming relations of the selected node.

    A relation is considered incoming when the selected node is the tail of the relation type.

    For example, the relation [Business Term] has code / is code for [Code Value] is incoming for a Code Value asset.


    Explores all outgoing relations of the selected node.

    A relation is considered outgoing when the selected node is the head of the relation type.

    For example, the relation [Business Term] has code / is code for [Code Value] is outgoing for a Business Term asset.

    Any specific relation type

    Explores the relations of the selected relation type.

Tip To remove a relation, right-click the node, and then select Remove explored.