Open Usage Analytics
You have either the Sysadmin global role or one of the following global permissions:
- Insights > View Usage Analytics summary
- This permission masks any user names in the CSV files downloaded from the new Usage Analytics dashboard.
- With this permission, you can view only a summary of the data on the old Usage Analytics dashboard. While this permission affects only the view of the dashboard, all the Usage Analytics events and detailed data will still be captured and stored.
- Insights > View Usage Analytics reports
- This permission does not mask any user names in the CSV files downloaded from the new Usage Analytics dashboard.
- With this permission, you can view detailed data by clicking the cards on the old Usage Analytics dashboard. In addition, you can download the data.
- The Insights global role is available out of the box.
- If you have both View Usage Analytics summary and View Usage Analytics reports permissions, the latter permission takes priority.
On the main toolbar, click
Usage Analytics.
The Usage Analytics dashboard opens.