Enable Tableau metadata API

You can enable the Tableau metadata API if you want to ingest Tableau 2020.2 or newer in Data Catalog.

Note Make sure that the Tableau metadata API is enabled in Tableau before you ingest or synchronize Tableau in Data Catalog.

Warning If you upgrade to Tableau version 2020.2 or newer, but previously synchronized an older Tableau version via the REST API and XML mapping, you have to prepare the migration procedure to prevent losing manually added relations, attributes, tags, comments and stitching results.

Depending on your environment, follow this procedure either on the Services Configuration tab of the Collibra settings or in Collibra Console:

Important You can't edit the service configuration from the Settings page in the latest UI. If you use the latest UI, you can edit the service configuration only in Collibra Console. For more information, go to DGC service configuration settings.



  1. Open the Services Configuration page.
    1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
      The Collibra settings page opens.
    2. Click Services Configuration.
    3. Click Edit configuration.
    Open the DGC service settings for editing:
    1. Open Collibra Console.
      Collibra Console opens with the Infrastructure page.
    2. In the tab pane, expand an environment to show its services.
    3. In the tab pane, click the Data Governance Center service of that environment.
    4. Click Configuration.
    5. Click Edit configuration.
  2. In the Tableau metadata API section, enter the required information:
  3. Setting


    Enable Tableau metadata API

    • True: Tableau metadata API is enabled. This enables you to ingest Tableau 2020.2 or newer into Data Catalog.
    • False: Tableau metadata API is disabled. If you ingest Tableau 2020.2 or newer, the ingestion will fail. This prevents data loss of manually added relations and attributes.
    Tableau on-premise instances

    Note This setting is only applicable if you are using the latest Collibra UI.

    A comma-separated list of your on-premises Tableau URLs. This list represents the values that appear in the Tableau URL or endpoint drop-down list on Tableau Server asset pages. You select a URL when setting up a connection to the on-premises Tableau instance.

    Tableau Online URL regular expression

    A regular expression that is used to validate the format of URL of the on-premises Tableau instance.

    The default expression is ^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.tableau\.com\/?$. We recommend that you not change the default expression unless you find that it doesn't work.

    Tableau API timeout

    Specify how long (in seconds) an HTTP connection between Collibra and a remote Tableau server will stay open when there is no response from the Tableau server. The default value is 600 seconds.

    Note This setting applies only to Tableau integrations via Jobserver. The end of life of Jobserver and all related Jobserver integrations has been announced for September 30, 2024. This means that the Tableau via Jobserver integration method is deprecated and will also reach its end of life on September 30, 2024.

  4. Click Save all.