Edit import configuration

In Collibra Data Intelligence Platform, you can import data from comma-separated value (CSV, Excel) files.

Depending on your environment, follow this procedure either on the Services Configuration tab of the Collibra settings or in Collibra Console:

Important You can't edit the service configuration from the Settings page in the latest UI. If you use the latest UI, you can edit the service configuration only in Collibra Console. For more information, go to DGC service configuration settings.



  1. Open the Services Configuration page.
    1. On the main toolbar, click Products iconCogwheel icon Settings.
      The Collibra settings page opens.
    2. Click Services Configuration.
    3. Click Edit configuration.
    Open the DGC service settings for editing:
    1. Open Collibra Console.
      Collibra Console opens with the Infrastructure page.
    2. In the tab pane, expand an environment to show its services.
    3. In the tab pane, click the Data Governance Center service of that environment.
    4. Click Configuration.
    5. Click Edit configuration.
  2. In the Imports configuration section, make the necessary changes.
    Enable workflows during import
    • True: Allow workfows to start as a result of the changes performed by an import operation.
    • False (default): Prevent workfows from starting as a result of the changes performed by an import operation.

    Note This setting does not affect API import calls, which never start workflows.

    Asset responsibilities support
    • True: Enable importing responsibilities at asset level.
    • False (default): Disable importing responsibilities at asset level.

    Warning Setting specific responsibilities on a large number of resources will affect the performance and stability of the system.

    Number of failed commands before stopping import job

    An import job with the option to continue on error enabled will stop after the specified number of commands have failed. Any valid command is still committed to the database until the moment the job stops, which can lead to some resources being imported.

    The default and maximum value is 100.

    Temporary data location

    The location of the temporary files used by the import job.

    The default value is FILE.

    Import UI v2

    This setting requires the SUPER role.

    • True (default): Use the new import interface for importing assets and complex relations, with improved usability and performance.
    • False: Use the original import interface for importing assets and complex relations.
  3. Click Save all.