Set up a database for storing query results

When registering a data source for Data Notebook, you can choose to have the SQL query results stored in a database managed by your own organization.

Note PostgreSQL is the only supported data source type for storing query results in a self-managed database.

This topic describes how to set up your own storage database in Edge for Data Notebook. The following steps need to be performed only once.


  1. Within the virtual machine where your Edge site is running, create a YAML file (for example, result-persistence-config.yaml) with the following syntax, replacing <database-ip>, <database-name>, <username>, and <password> with the corresponding parameters from your own database.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: session-manager-persistence-update
      namespace: collibra-edge
        session-manager/update: persistence
    type: Opaque
      JDBC_PERSISTENCE_URL: jdbc:postgresql://<database-ip>/<database-name>
      JDBC_PERSISTENCE_DRIVER: org.postgresql.Driver
  2. Use the YAML file created in the previous step to apply its configuration to your Edge site using the following command.

    kubectl apply -f result-persistence-config.yaml -n collibra-edge

  3. Restart the storage service of the Edge site using the following command.

    kubectl delete pods -n collibra-edge

    Data Notebook can now recognize that you have your own database set up for storing query results.
    Tip  When registering a data source for Data Notebook, if you now select the Store in your own database option, the storage database you set up is shown. If, however, a message appears stating that a storage database is not found, contact Collibra Support.