Connect to a data source in a notebook

An SQL query in a notebook is run on a database linked to a registered data source. However, before running a query, you need to connect to the registered data source within the notebook.


  • You have a global role that has the following global permission: Product Rights > Data Notebook
  • A data source for Data Notebook is registered.


  1. Open the notebook.
  2. In the left pane, in the Data Explorer section, click Add a Data Source. Alternatively, you can click Add a Data Source on the menu next to the query title.
    The Add a Data Source dialog box appears.
  3. Click Add next to the data source against which you want to run the query.
    Databases linked to the data source appear in the Data Explorer section.

    • If the data source requires personal credentials to connect to the data source, a dialog box appears to prompt you to enter your credentials.
    • The databases may not immediately appear due to the time it takes to load the data source.
    • To remove the data source connection from the notebook, click Add a Data Source again, and then, in the Add a Data Source dialog box, click Added next to the data source.

What's next?

Run a query in a notebook.