Out-of-the-box metamodel for the Data Helpdesk
The Data Helpdesk has specific asset types and domain types.
Asset types
The table below contains the out-of-the-box asset types that are relevant for the Data Helpdesk.
Use these options to filter the rows and columns of the table to your needs:
Asset type | Asset type | Description |
AI Model
Business Asset
AI Model |
AI Model is a statistical model that is trained on datasets in order to make predictions on new data. |
AWS Bedrock AI Model
Business Asset AI Model
AWS Bedrock AI Model |
A subtype of AI Model that represents AI models in Amazon Bedrock. |
AWS SageMaker AI Model
Business Asset AI Model
AWS SageMaker AI Model |
A subtype of AI Model that represents AI models in Amazon SageMaker. |
Azure AI model
Business Asset AI Model
Azure AI model |
A subtype of AI Model that represents AI models in Microsoft Azure AI. |
Databricks AI Model
Business Asset AI Model
Databricks AI Model |
A subtype of AI Model that represents AI models in Databricks Unity Catalog. |
MLflow AI Model
Business Asset AI Model
MLflow AI Model |
A subtype of AI Model that represents AI models in MLflow. |
Vertex AI Model
Business Asset AI Model
Vertex AI Model |
A subtype of AI Model that represents AI models in Google Vertex AI. |
AI Use Case
Business Asset
AI Use Case |
An AI Use Case is a specific application of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI Models trained on specific data in order to solve a business problem and deliver business value. Implementing AI Use Case may result in automating a task, improve decision-making or develop new products and services. |
Data Concept
Business Asset Business Dimension Data Concept |
A data concept is a high level theoretical representation of the most common data properties of a data domain. A data concept is the business counterpart of a data attribute in a logical data dictionary, just as a data attribute is the logical counterpart of a field or column in the physical data dictionary. (Example: an address is a data concept of the data domain customer or organization). |
Data Domain
Business Asset Business Dimension Data Domain |
Also known as Data Category or Subject area, this is a container of all the business data domains and data concepts that encompass associated terminology and definitions that an organization is trying to govern. Examples: Master Data (Customer, Product), Reference Data. Business Data Domains group Data Concepts (Year, Date, Address, Name, etc.) |
Business Asset Business Dimension
Party |
An association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual that has legal standing. A Party has legal capacity to enter into agreements or contracts, assume obligations, incur and pay debts, sue and be sued in its own right, and to be held responsible for its actions. |
Business Asset Business Dimension Party
Vendor |
A provider of goods or services. |
Data Attribute
Data Asset Data Element Data Attribute |
A specification that defines a property of a data entity. Examples: CustomerBirthDate, EmployeeFirstName |
Data Quality Job
Data Asset Data Quality Job |
Representation of a job executed in Collibra Data Quality & Observability. |
Data Set
Data Asset Data Set |
A collection of related sets of data assets that are data elements or composed of data elements. Example: Customer Contact information |
Data Entity
Data Asset Data Structure Data Entity |
A unit of data that can be classified and can have a stated relationship to other units of data. Examples: Customer, Employee |
Data Model
Data Asset Data Structure Data Model |
A diagram that organizes data elements and standardizes how the data elements relate to one another. The Data Model is often used as a communication aid between business and technology. Examples: Customer Subject area model, Event Subject area model |
Data Usage
Data Asset Data Usage |
An asset that clearly documents how the data can be used between data produces and consumers for specific purpose Example: Sales growth information that is available to share for read-only requirements |
Assessment Review
Governance Asset
Assessment Review |
An asset of this type is created when an assessment is conducted on an asset and submitted for review. |
Data Quality Dimension
Governance Asset Data Quality Dimension |
Represents criteria that are relevant for assessing quality and categorizes different aspects of how data quality is measured. Examples: accuracy, completeness, consistency |
Issue Category
Governance Asset Issue Category |
Allows you to categorize Issue type assets to help with organization and reporting. Example: You want to differentiate between types of issues, such as a Duplication issue or a Completeness issue. |
Data Quality Metric
Governance Asset Rule Data Quality Metric |
An implementation of data quality rules in a selected physical database system using a particular data quality tool. Example: CRM.ACT.Tx_ID cannot be null, must be a 9-digit number and has to take the 999-99-9999 format in the CRM system, and ERP.Cust.SSN has to take the 999999999 format in the ERP system. |
Data Quality Rule
Governance Asset Rule Data Quality Rule |
A specification that defines which actions are required to measure the quality level of a data element for its intended use. Example: SSN must be a unique 9-digit identification number for 100% of US personal accounts for tax processing. |
The parent asset type of all issues. |
Data Issue
Issue Data Issue |
A problem related to issue management, also referred to as "issue". |
In the latest UI, you can view the associated product by adding the Products column to the Asset types tab page in the Collibra settings. You can then also see whether the product is active in your environment.
Domain types
The table below contains the out-of-the-box domain types that are relevant for the Data Helpdesk.
Use these options to filter the rows and columns of the table to your needs:
The table below contains the out-of-the-box workflows that are relevant for the Data Helpdesk.