Configure Yes/No question scores and decisions

You can assign weighted scores to Yes/No questions in your template. The scores are used to determine the decision shown to the user in your Decision question.

For more information on question types, see The toolbox.


You have a global role that has the Assessments > Manage templates global permission.


In Collibra 2024.05, we've launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:


  1. Open the Template Gallery page and open a template, or create a new template.
  2. Add Yes/No questions to the template, or work with the existing Yes/No questions.
    You can also use Yes/No with Justification questions.
  3. Add Yes/No questions to the template, or work with the existing Yes/No questions.
    You can also use Yes/No With Reason questions.
  4. For the relevant Yes/No questions, specify the following properties:



    The question or statement.

    Example "Does the processing activity present a high level of risk for the rights and freedoms of the concerned data subjects?"


    The score for the question or statement.

    Note The score is added to the total if the user responds "Yes" to the question. If the user responds "No", the score is ignored.

  5. For the relevant Yes/No questions, specify the following settings:



    The question or statement.

    Example "Does the processing activity present a high level of risk for the rights and freedoms of the concerned data subjects?"


    The score for the question or statement.

    Note The score is added to the total if the user responds "Yes" to the question. If the user responds "No", the score is ignored.

  6. In a Decision question, specify in the following properties:



    The question that appears in the final decision. Consider the fact that the decision value shown in the final decision will be "Yes" or "No".

    This should be in the form of a question. If the score threshold is met, the value returned is "Yes". If not, the value returned is "No".

    Example "Is a DPIA required for the Business Process asset?"

    Score threshold

    The limit at, or beyond, which the Decision question returns the value "Yes".

    Assessment template

    The assessment that should be conducted if the scoring threshold is met.

    Note When the assessment is submitted for review, the assessment details page includes a button to launch the assessment you specify here.

  7. In a Decision question, specify in the following settings:



    The question that appears in the final decision. Consider the fact that the decision value shown in the final decision will be "Yes" or "No".

    This should be in the form of a question. If the score threshold is met, the value returned is "Yes". If not, the value returned is "No".

    Example "Is a DPIA required for the Business Process asset?"

    Score threshold

    The limit at, or beyond, which the Decision question returns the value "Yes".

    Assessment template

    The assessment that should be conducted if the scoring threshold is met.

    Note When the assessment is submitted for review, the assessment details page includes a button to launch the assessment you specify here.