Metadata synchronization results

After you have registered a data source via Edge, the following information is added to the Table and Column assets.

Column attribute Description From JDBC property (if provided by driver)
Column Name The column name in the registered table. COLUMN_NAME
Technical Data Type

The data type of the column in the data source. This value can differ from the Data Type value.

  • You see the technical data type in the Technical Data Type field in the At a Glance sidebar of the Column asset.
  • For Amazon Athena and AWS Glue connections you can also see the structured technical data type, Array or Struct, if you have set the Other property to SupportNativeDataType=true. Then, when you view the metadata synchronization results, click the hyperlink to see the structure of the data in a dialog box.
    In other locations, for example in Table assets, click the Array or Struct button to open the dialog box.
Description from Source The description of the column in the registered table. REMARKS
Char octet Length Maximum number of bytes in a character type's column. CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH
Column Position The index of the column in the source table. ORDINAL_POSITION
Is Auto Incremented Indication whether the data in the column is auto-incremented or not. IS_AUTOINCREMENT
Is Generated Indication whether the data in the column is generated or not. IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN
Is Nullable Indication whether the column can store NULL values or not. IS_NULLABLE
Is Primary Key Indication whether the column is a primary key or not. True if the primary keys resultSet contains the COLUMN_NAME
Number Of Fractional Digits The number of decimal digits. DECIMAL_DIGITS
Primary Key Name The name of the primary key composed by the column. PK_NAME
Size The size of the column in the table.


Table attribute Description From JDBC property
Table Name The table name in the data source. TABLE_NAME
Table Type The table type in the data source, such as TABLE or VIEW. TABLE_TYPE
Description from Source The description of the table in the data source. REMARKS

Uniform Resource Locator, also colloquially known as web address.

Note This attribute is registered only for AWS Glue data sources.


If you registered the source tags, the tags defined on the assets in the data source are registered and available from the Schema, Table, Database View, and Column assets in the Source Tags attribute.

Note Currently, you can synchronize source tags only from Snowflake.

For information on profiling, go to Data profiling information.

For information on how foreign keys are handled, go to Foreign key ingestion.