Share a collection

By sharing a collection with someone, you allow them to either view or edit the collection. The following table describes the privileges associated with each type of access.

Type of access What can a user do?
Viewer View the assets in the collection.
  • The owner of a collection is the person who created it. In addition to the actions that an editor can perform, the owner can edit the name of the collection and delete the collection.
  • The ownership of a collection can't be transferred.
  • The Favorites collection can't be shared.

Request access to a collection

You can request access to a collection from the owner of the collection.

  • If you click a link to a collection to which you don't have access, the Collections page opens with the Request Access button. Clicking this button sends an email to the owner to request access. The owner can give you either the viewer access or the editor access to the collection.
  • If you have the viewer access to a collection, the collection shows the View Access tag on the Collections page. To request the editor access, click View AccessRequest Edit Access. This sends an email to the owner to request editor access.

Give and remove access from a collection

If you are the owner of a collection or have the editor access to the collection, you can share the collection from the Collections page.


  1. Click your avatar → Collections.
    The Collections page opens.
  2. Select the collection you want to share.
    Tip As an owner, you may also have received an email indicating that someone requested access to a collection. In the email, click Manage access for this collection to open the collection.
  3. Click Share.
    The Share <collection name> With dialog box appears.
  4. If the user with whom you want to share the collection doesn't have access to the collection yet, start entering their name in the Add users box, and then select their name in the drop-down list.
    The user is added to the People with access list with the viewer access.
  5. To change a user's access type, in the drop-down list next to their name, select the required access type.
    Tip  If you don't want the user to be able to access the collection, select Remove Access.
  6. Click Save.
    An email is sent to the user notifying them of the access change.