Status evolution of an AI use case

When you register a use case, a new AI Use Case asset with the status Ideation is created in the out-of-the-box AI Governance domain.

In the Progress Tracker on the AI Use Case asset page, the Business Context assessment has the status Draft, reflecting the fact that it is automatically started when a new use case is registered.

Ideally after all four assessments have been conducted, you can click Move to Development, to advance the stage of the use case. The status of the AI Use Case asset is updated to match.

You don't have to complete all four assessments before advancing to the next stage. Any assessments that haven't been completed are carried over to the next stage and are shown in the Progress Tracker.

At any given time, a use case can have one of the following statuses.

Status Description
Ideation The AI use case is just a concept, to be reviewed with regard to value and risks. It is not yet used in production. It can be considered a proof of concept.
Development The AI use case is in, or is ready to enter, the development process.
Monitoring The AI use case in production, is actively used and monitored with regard to business value and risks. AI models are monitored with regard to performance, reliability, and accuracy.

The AI use case is no longer in production. It is archived for documentation and audit purposes.

Rejected After being assessed for its value and inherent risks, the use case was not approved and not put into production.