
Important  This feature is available only in the latest UI.

You can change the colors of the components in your environment via the Components section on the Custom Theme page.

The Quick Color Select Tool and Components sections affect the same components. However, the Quick Color Select Tool section offers a quick way to set colors for components, whereas the Components section allows for color selection at a more granular level for the same components. For example, in the Components section, you can also select a color for subcomponents, such as the hover state for tabs or the background color for disabled switches.

  • This topic contains certain terms related to the user interface. For information about these terms, go to User interface terminology.
  • An example is shown in each subsection in the UI to enable you to visualize and interact with components as you customize them.
  • To undo all your changes in a subsection, click Reset in the subsection.
  • The colors you select in the Components section always take precedence over the colors selected in the Quick Color Select Tool section.

Primary Button

The Primary Button subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of primary buttons when they appear on a light background.

Image of the Primary Button section

The following table describes the fields in the Primary Button subsection.

Field Description
Background Background color of primary buttons on a light background.
Hover Background color of primary buttons when hovered over on a light background.
Active Background color of primary buttons when being clicked on a light background, to indicate that your interaction with the button is registered.
Text Text color of primary buttons on a light background.

Primary Button on Dark Background

The Primary Button on Dark Background subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of primary buttons when they appear on a dark background.

Image of the Primary Button on Dark Background section

The following table describes the fields in the Primary Button on Dark Background subsection.

Field Description
Background Background color of primary buttons on a dark background.
Hover Background color of primary buttons when hovered over on dark light background.
Active Background color of primary buttons when being clicked on a dark background, to indicate that your interaction with the button is registered.
Text Text color of primary buttons on a dark background.

Secondary Button

The Secondary Button subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of secondary buttons when they appear on a light background.

Image of the Secondary Button section

The following table describes the fields in the Secondary Button subsection.

Field Description
Outline and Text Border and text color of secondary buttons on a light background.
Hover Background color of secondary buttons when hovered over on a light background.
Active Background color of secondary buttons when being clicked on a light background, to indicate that your interaction with the button is registered.
Hover Text Text color of secondary buttons when hovered over on a light background.

Secondary Button on Dark Background

The Secondary Button on Dark Background subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of secondary buttons when they appear on a dark background.

Image of the Secondary Button on Dark Background section

The following table describes the fields in the Secondary Button on Dark Background subsection.

Field Description
Outline and Text Border and text color of secondary buttons on a dark background.
Hover Background color of secondary buttons when hovered over on a dark background.
Active Background color of secondary buttons when being clicked on a dark background, to indicate that your interaction with the button is registered.
Hover Text Text color of secondary buttons when hovered over on a dark background.


The Tabs subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of tabs when they appear on a light background.

Image of the Tabs section

The following table describes the field in the Tabs subsection.

Field Description
Active Tab Text and indicator color of active tabs on a light background.

Text and indicator color of tabs when hovered over on a light background.

Tabs on Dark Background

The Tabs on Dark Background subsection enables you to select colors for the elements of tabs when they appear on a dark background.

Image of the Tabs on Dark Background section

The following table describes the field in the Tabs on Dark Background subsection.

Field Description
Active Tab Text and indicator color of active tabs on a dark background.
Hover Text and indicator color of tabs when hovered over on a dark background.

Brand Chip

The Brand Chip subsection enables you to select colors for the elements of brand chips.

Image of the Brand Chip section

The following table describes the fields in the Brand Chip subsection.

Field Description
Background Background color of brand chips.
Text Text color of brand chips.


The Switch subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of switches.

Image of the Switch section

The following table describes the fields in the Switch subsection.

Field Description
Background Background color of switches when enabled.
Hover Background color of enabled switches when hovered over.


The Stepper subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and states of steppers.

Image of the Stepper section

The following table describes the fields in the Stepper subsection.

Field Description
Active Icon Background Background color of active steps.
Active Icon Text Text color of active steps.
Completed Icon Background Background color of completed steps.
Completed Icon Text Text color of completed steps.
Hover Background

Background color of step titles in non-linear steppers when hovered over.

Tip A non-linear stepper is a stepper that allows you to move forward or back in the steps.

Date Picker

The Date Picker subsection enables you to select colors for the elements and different presentations of calendars.

Image of the Date Picker section

The following table describes the fields in the Date Picker subsection.

Field Description
Selected Background Background color of dates and time when selected in date pickers.
Selected Text

Text color of years, months, dates, and time when selected in date pickers.

Selected Hover + Focus

Background color of selected years, months, and dates when hovered over or in focus in date pickers.

Today Border Border color of current dates in date pickers.

Background color of span of dates when selected in date pickers.

Range Text Text color of dates within a range in date pickers.