Protect prescriptive paths

You can use Protect to secure the data in the assets of the out-of-the-box asset types, such as Business Process, Data Category, and Data Set, in addition to the assets of any new or modified asset types.

The asset that you select when creating a data protection standard or a data access rule is related to the physical data layer, such as tables and columns, through a set of relations and intermediate assets. These relations are paths that Protect uses to traverse from the selected asset (business or logical layer) to a column (physical data layer) in order to find the column that needs protection. Such traversal follows a set of prescriptive paths. Each asset type has a set of prescriptive paths for traversing to the Column asset, as depicted in the following sections.

Note Depending on your permission, you can also customize the prescriptive paths.

From Business Process to Column

Prescriptive path for the Business Process asset type

From Data Category to Column

Prescriptive path for the Data Category asset type

From Data Set to Column

Prescriptive path for the Data Set asset type