Using conditions for alerts

This topic provides an overview of the types of condition alerts you can use when configuring a Condition Alert.

Score-based conditions

You can use score-based conditions to identify when the overall data quality score or the score of particular monitors exceed a given threshold. You can use any number of AND and OR operators in the condition.

Type Variable Description Condition example
Score score Send an alert when the data quality score meets the required conditions. score < 75
Behavior score behaviorscore Send an alert when the behavior score meets the required conditions. behaviorscore < 20
Outlier score outlierscore Send an alert when the outlier score meets the required conditions. outlierscore > 15
Pattern score patternscore Send an alert when the pattern score meets the required conditions. patternscore = 0
Source score sourcescore Send an alert when the source score meets the required conditions. sourcescore < 75
Record score recordscore Send an alert when the record score meets the required conditions. recordscore < 50
Schema score schemascore Send an alert when the schema score meets the required conditions. schemascore < 50
Dupe score dupescore Send an alert when the dupe score meets the required conditions. dupescore > 10
Shape score shapescore Send an alert when the shape score meets the required conditions. shapescore > 0

Row count condition

You can use the row count condition to help you monitor changes to the number of rows in your dataset.

Type Variable Description Condition example
Row count rc Send an alert when the row count meets the required conditions. rc = 0

Run time conditions

You can use run time conditions to monitor how long it takes for a DQ Job to run.

Type Variable Description Condition example
Run time in seconds totalTimeInSeconds Send an alert when the run time meets the required conditions. totalTimeInSeconds > 20
Run time in hours totalTimeInHours Send an alert when the run time meets the required conditions. totalTimeInHours > 2
Run time in minutes totalTimeInMinutes Send an alert when the run time meets the required conditions. totalTimeInMinutes > 20

Stale data conditions

You can use stale data conditions to monitor for when DQ Jobs have missing or no rows, or have not run for a given number of days.

Type Variable Description Condition example
Days without data daysWithoutData Send an alert when the number of days without data meets the required conditions. daysWithoutData >= 1
Runs without data runsWithoutData Send an alert when the number of runs without data meets the required conditions. runsWithoutData > 2
Days since last run daysSinceLastRun Send an alert when the number of days since a dataset last ran meets the required conditions. daysSinceLastRun > 1

Rule conditions

You can configure rule condition alerts from the Rules tab of the Alert Builder to notify users when the percentage of breaking records meets the specified conditions of the rule.

To use a rule condition as an alert, select the Condition Alert option, then enter the name of an existing rule in the Condition field. Optionally, you can select Add Rule Details to include the following details of your rule in the alert email:

  • Rule name
  • Rule condition
  • Total number of points to deduct from the quality score when breaking
  • Percentage of records that are breaking
  • Number of breaking records
  • Assignment Status

Rule conditions use a <ruleName> <operator> <percentage> syntax. For example, RegionNullCheck > 0 sends an alert when there are any breaking records. Similarly, RegionNullCheck >= 10 sends an alert when the percentage of rule breaks is greater than or equal to 10%.